Chapter 25

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They arrive in their new place 2 weeks ago, it's starting to get cold and they did some furniture and appliance shopping, Yongsun and Byul starts to look for a school for Kyuyeon so they don't need to rush things especially on his education, they just want him to have fun while growing up.

"Omma!!" Kyuyeon called his Omma, Yongsun arrives with some paper bags in her hand.

"Omma? What's this?" He asked while jumping, he wipes his snot, he got cold a few days ago. "Groceries and books for you." Yongsun said. "Where's your Mama?"

"Upstairs, meeting with my Imo Wheein and Imo Hyejin." He smiled at Yongsun. "Okay, let me change on my comfy clothes, and I'll make some soup for you." "Okay!" He ran and settles on the carpet.

Yongsun knocks at Byul's office.

"Yes?" Byul answered and Yongsun slowly go to her and sat on her lap. "Are you done?" Byul nods. "Yup! why? what's wrong?"

"Byulah? I think we need to get rid of the carpet?" Yongsun said. "I think~ Kyunnie got his cold because of it? or maybe he got some allergies? we should take him to a doctor" Yongsun said. "I think so too. I want to talk to you about it but you want that carpet so much that you made me sleep on the couch." Yongsun sighed. "Yeah, But our son got sick because of it." Yongsun pout, Byul pecks her lips. "Hey don't be sad." Byul kissed Yongsun's neck and nibble Yongsun moaned because of it. "But! We need to cook for Kyunnie right now, right Mama?" Byul smiled and she kissed her deeply. "Yes! let's go but change your clothes first, I'll see you downstairs."

They bought a 2 storey house with 5 rooms, 3 bedrooms the rest are turned into working space of Byul and Yongsun, they still make songs and Byul starts to create her own music, while Yongsun still doing her youtube channel but she didn't reveal in those 4 years that she already has a son and now she'll tell everyone that she moves to another country.

"Omma! Mama is making some doenjang!" He said happily. "Wow! let me taste some" Yongsun said and Byul gave her a small bowl and put some in there. "How is it?" Yongsun frowned. "You! beat my doenjang! it tastes good!" Byul smiled and high five Kyuyeon. "Yey! We did it Mama!" Kyunie said and they eat happily.

3 days later Yongkeey will arrive at their house, Yes Yongkeey will be living with them because Yonghee's fiance hates dogs. "Mama? when Yongkeey arrives we'll go for walks and we will let her wear some thick clothes!" "Yes we will, but I hope she'll arrive here safe and sound." Byul said. "Where is Omma?" Kyuyeon asked. "Maybe she's doing some house tour and put it on her youtube channel." She said while typing something on her computer. "Okay, I'll stay here with you! I don't want you to be alone!" He said and he snuggles closer to Byul.

.Kyuyeon is a calm boy but sometimes he let his emotions out and he will have his tantrums and some crazy day. "Byulah!?" Yongsun called. "What!!?" "Mama no shouting! Aigoo~" he said. "Okay, Sorry! go to your Omma and ask her what's wrong." He runs out and when he returns he's dragging his Omma with him. "Oh? What's wrong Yong?" Byul asked and she closed her laptop. "I'm having my period, and I'm having period cramps." Yongsun said. "Do you have some pads?" Byul asked and Yongsun just nods. "But I only 4 pads left and I think I need to buy more." Yongsun said. "Okay! I'll go to the grocery with Kyuyeon, do you have some pain reliever with you?" She asked. "Yes, But please hurry up and I want to cuddle with you." she said and she enters the bathroom to change.

"I think Omma is sick." Kyuyeon said while pouting. "She'll be fine."

They went to the grocery. "Mama? I want this." He pointed to a cereal full of sugar. "No. You have your cereals already. " then he pouts. "Okay. But can I have some vanilla ice cream?" He beamed.


She pulled out her phone and she reads the message.

'Grab some frozen dough and mozzarella cheese also some toppings that both of you like, I'll cook pizza later.'

Byul smiled.

"Okay let's go to the Deli and grab some cheese and toppings."


They went to the nearest ice cream parlor and she bought some for her and as a promise she gave vanilla ice cream to him.

"So? Do you like it here?"

"Uhmmm~ yeah, but I don't have friends." he pouts. "I miss my friends, Mama." He said.

"Okay, we will call them but we will set some time." He smiled and licked his lips. "Okay!"

"Let's go! your Omma is waiting."

When they arrive Yongsun pouts and she hugs Kyuyeon and kissed Byul's lips.

"You've gone for too long. What did you do?"

"I grab some ice cream for all of us. Here's yours Choco mint." Byul smiled and she handed the ice cream to Yongsun. "Thanks. I will prepare the pizza in a while."

For the past few years, Both Yongsun and Byul learn how to cook because they want Kyuyeon to eat more healthy food while growing up, so they made effort to make lots of homemade food.

But right now they don't have some ingredients to make homemade Korean meals. So, Yongsun tried to make it healthy as possible.

"Let's make some Kale juice and some fruit smoothie

"YES!" Kyuyeon shouts.

"No~" Byul said.


Author's Note:

Hello! I know I've been away for a long time, but I will update as much as possible! Please support WheeByul on their Solo Comeback!!

Thank you!

Enjoy! 🧡

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