Chapter 5

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1 week later

Yongsun woke up to a loud cry coming from the baby. She tapped the baby's chest to calm him down, but to her dismay, it didn't stop. Then she heard a loud bang coming from the door, Yonghee entered the room, she lifts the baby and carried him outside. Both Byul and her need some more sleep, Byul has some schedule today so she will be alone in the house. She dozes off again.

Byul woke up and she look at her side and she saw Solar sleeping peacefully and she tiptoe going out of the bedroom, she saw Mrs. Kim carrying Kyuyeon.

"Oh? Byulah your awake now, I already cook some food. Eat your breakfast now." She bowed and went inside the bathroom and washed her face and brush her teeth.

"I'm sorry."

"Why are you sorry? Yonghee said you didn't have enough sleep because of the baby." She sighed and agreed to Mrs. Kim.

"at this age, it's kinda handful, you'll wake up in the middle of the night." Mrs. Kim said.

"Yes. Cried 3x last night, because of diapers and he's hungry."

"Aigoo~ Do you have any schedule today?"

"Yes, omma. I have some radio guesting and writing some songs." Byul said while preparing some food.

"Eat a lot. I'll take care of him" Mrs. Kim said.

"Thanks a lot, Omma."

Then she sat there eating alone and quietly, she saw Yongkeey dragging some Kyuyeon's clothes and baby blanket she approached YongKeey slowly trying to get the clothes. But the pup ran away and she knows that Byul will get the clothes.

"Yongkeey! Give those." She keeps on pulling it but the pup won't give up.

"Aigoo~ stubborn give those!" she succeeded and she put it inside the washing machine and put some detergent that's safe for the baby.

She saw Yongkeey lurking at her, while she's eating her breakfast.

"Yongkeey stop that." She heard Yongsun's voice.

"What did you do?" Yongsun asked.


"Who else? She's looking at you with a grudge."

"I didn't do anything. She's the one who keeps stealing Kyuyeon's clothes and keeps biting it." Byul said.

Yongsun glared at the pup and Yongkeey left the dining.

"I Should put a fence in all the rooms."

"I guess we should." Byul said.

"Omma? What time you'll go home?" Yongsun asked her Omma, while eating her breakfast.

"Maybe until all of you will be home."

"I don't have work." Yongsun said.

"I know, your unnie said."

"Until Byul arrives here." Mrs. Kim said.

"Omma don't wait for me, maybe I'll be arriving late." Byul said.

"Yes, Omma don't wait for Byul I can handle this besides Yonghee will be here later." Yongsun said.

"Right. Byulah your Parents will be here tomorrow." Yongsun said.

"Oh? Omma didn't tell me."

"She texted me."


Yongsun's Omma just shook her head and swinging her arms while cuddling Kyuyeon.

"My Omma didn't text me but she texted you. Tsk."

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