Chapter 13

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Days passed by for the both of them are busy, and they don't have time for Kyuyeon, unfortunately, Kyuyeon had flu 3 days before their flight for the rehearsals of their Japan concert, Yongsun wants to left him with their family but Byul wants to bring him to Japan and with this, they argued.

"Unnie he is still an infant and I can't leave him while he is sick!" MoonByul raised her voice and Wheein saw the tension, she stood up and grabs MoonByul's arm. "Let's grab some drink, I know you're stress." MoonByul sighed and left the practice room, their Manager pinch her nose and closed her eyes. "Solar-ssi~ why do you want to leave Kyunie?"

Their manager asked her when MoonByul and WheeIn left. "I-I can't concentrate when he is around, I know.. I know I sounded like a bad parent but I just want to focus on the concert.. I know my parents and her parents can take care of him." Manager Unnie sighed.

"Yongsunah~ I understand you, Sometimes we need to sacrifice some family time." Solar sighed she's holding her tears. "H-Honestly I don't want to leave him while he is sick." She sniffles. "Come here." Her manager hugs her. "Just tell Byulah your true intention and let her understand, For now, go home and talk to her in private, Okay?" Solar nods her head and she sighed she packs her things and left the practice room.

On the other side.

"Wheeinah~ Kyuyeon is just small and he needs us." Byul gulps the soju and refills on her own, Wheein side she wants to smack her Unnie because she understands her Yongsun unnie. "Unnie, Yongsunnie don't want to leave Kyuyeon while he is sick but our job calls, you know how our work eat our time and we need to sacrifice a lot." Wheein said, but Byul shrugs her shoulder and sighed. "Yah! stop drinking! and go home talk to her!" Wheein said while grabbing the shot glass. "Ugh! You're both two hard-headed people stuck with each other! I hope Kyuyeon won't get that trait." Wheein said and gulp the soju and ate some dakbal.

Byul went to her own apartment, her sister is nowhere to be found. She left a text to her dongsaeng asking her whereabouts and she instantly gets a reply that she's having a team-building out of town. She sighed and she took a bath and change into her pajamas. She lay on her sofa and scroll her phone.

*Calling Yongdunnie*

She sighed and ignore the call, after a few seconds she receives a text message.

From: Yongdunnie

Byulah~ I know you are still upset but can we just talk? Where are you now?

Byul Sighed and typed in her reply.

To: Yongdunnie

I'm in my place right now, If you want to come over you know the drill.

She throws her phone and sets up her gaming console and she starts playing, after 30 minutes Yongsun arrives with a couple of plastic bags and she set it down on the table.

"I'm here now."

Yongsun announced and Byul didn't budge she's concentrating on playing her game but she lost the last fight.

"Fck!" Byul said while throwing her joystick.

She sighed and lean her body to the sofa and she stared at Yongsun who's busy preparing her food. "Yong?" she calls her. "Hmm?" Yongsun look up at Byul and gave her a small smile.

"I-I'm Sorry." Byul said while stuttering, Yongsun gave her a tight hug.

"I'm sorry, too." Yongsun said and she cups her cheek and Byul kissed her on the forehead.

"Let's eat some teokbokki before we talk, food will make us calm." They start eating.

"Byul? Please let me talk first." Byul nods her head.

"I know you hate leaving Kyunie while he is sick, the thing is I-I can't concentrate on the concert while he's there." Byul wants to butt in but she was shut with a kiss. " Please listen first?" Yongsun murmured. "O-Okay." Byul said.

"I don't want to be distracted while we're at work. I love him to be around but we need to sacrifice a little, I-I don't want him to be there because if he's with us, I don't want to go to the concert, and I'll just take care of him, you know? My mother instinct will just kick in and I will dump work for him. Please understand?" Yongsun said.

"I know I confuse you with my explanation, Just understand. Okay?" Yongsun finished.

"Are you done?" Byul asked and Yongsun nods her head.

"I understand Unnie, Wheein knocked some sense out of me. I don't want Kyunie will feel lonely while he is sick, but I do understand your sentiments now. I agree with you when I get distracted when he is around and also I will ditch work over him." She smiled.

"I'm Sorry if I raise my voice to you." Byul said she leaned and kissed Yongsun, and instantly Yongsun deepened the kiss, Byul bit Yongsun's lower lip asking for access. Yongsun opens her mouth and granted Byul.

Byul broke the kiss and smiled. "Let's continue this to the bedroom."

"But Kyuyeon w-" Byul cut her with her lips. "Omma is there. I guess a couple of hours won't hurt right?" Byul raises her brow. "No it won't hurt, let's go it's been a while we haven't do some adult stuff." Yongsun said while giving Byula a naughty smile.

Byul stood up and grabs Yongsun inside her room, she closed the door while kicking it. You can hear their moans and groans even the door is tightly closed.


They went back to Yongsun's place with a sweet smile on their lips, they saw Yongsun's Omma still awake watching tv with Yongkeey.

"Oh? You're here now. Yongsunah, he is asleep for now in his crib." Yongsun's mother said. "Thank you Omma."

"By the way do you have any plans for his birthday?"

Both of them smiled, they planned his birthday on Byul's bed giving small kisses to their lips and bare shoulder. Byul snapped and shook her head to clear her thoughts.

"Yes, we do." Byul said.

"Finally! I hope it will be memorable for us and him."

"It will! For all of us."


Author's Note:

Hello Everyone! Here's an update for everyone! I hope you take care always! Wear Mask and get Vaxx.

Let's not forget about voting for them on Breaktudo. Vote for AYA-MAMAMOO.


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