Chapter 4

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They agreed that they'll be going to Byul's place, they drop by at the convenience store to buy some beer and they ordered food.

"Seulgi's not here right now, she'll be staying at her friend's house."

"How long?"

"Just overnight."

Yongsun nods her head, then she heard a doorbell and it was the food that they ordered. Byul appeared wearing her comfy clothes and she saw Yongsun pout.

"Okay, you can borrow my comfy clothes." Then Yongsun smiled widely and Byul just shook her head.

Byul opens a beer and sipped a little.


"You didn't wait for me."

"Aigoo~ Here." She gave her beer and she opens another one, Yongsun sipped and she make face because of the bitter taste.



"So? What now?" Byul asked Yongsun.

"I need to talk to my lawyer. But I need to talk to my parents first."

"I already did to my parents and they're fine with it, Specially Appa." Then she bites on a chicken leg.


They were silent for a while.

"I'm Sorry," Yongsun said to Byul.

"Me too. I'm sorry."

Then they just smile.

"Byulah~ I want to talk to my parents with you."

"Hmm? Why with me?"

"Of course you'll be the other guardian!"

"Oh? I forgot." She smirks

"Ugh! I hate you!"

"Ow!" She smacks Byul.

"You deserve it!"

Byul grabs Yongsun's hand, they're so close and she closed the gap their lips touched, Yongsun slowly moves her lips. Byul grabs Yongsun's waist close to her, then they both drawback and just laugh at each other.

"I guess. We'll work things out." Byul said kissing her forehead.

"Yeah." move closer to Byul.

Morning came and Solar went to her lawyer friend, who specializes in this kind of case.

"Hello Hyomin!" Solar greeted the lawyer.

"I need your help with this"

"Oh?" She opened the envelope and read the contents.

"Have a sit first." Still reading the contents.

She sat and then waiting for her lawyer friend.

"So? What do you think?"

"Well, aside from that she's rich. You can say no from being a guardian, but how old is the kid?"

"4 months."


"What did Byul said?"

"Well, she agreed to be the guardian of the kid."

"And you?"

"I'm having second thought about it. What about our work, you see? Byul and I are a busy person."

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