Chapter 16

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It was a fine day, and it's their son's special day. The whole family prepared a small birthday party, Yonghee organized the party. Kyuyeon woke up late and he seems in a good mood, he gave everyone a beautiful smile.

"Look at our prince!" Mrs. Moon said, he smiled at her and he nuzzle closer to Byul.

"Someone is shy~" Byul settles him on the sofa beside Yesol. "Unnie! prepare his food and I'll look after him." Yesol said while watching tv, Kyuyeon instantly crawl towards Yesol.

"Okay." Byul already ordered some mashed potato and she just add some hot water to soften it more. "Yesolah! bring him here, and grab his bib!" Byul said.

after his hearty breakfast, Kyuyeon takes his bath and wears a comfy outfit, he will be wearing his Hanbok later on his birthday.

"Where's Omma and Appa?" Byul asked Yesol. "Oh! they already left with manager unnie, I'll go with you maybe you need some help." Yesol staring at her sister who has some bag in her hand while she carries Kyuyeon. "Yup! I need some extra hand." Yesol carried some of her bags. "Let's go."

They arrived at the venue it was a white English house it has a small backyard perfect for birthdays and bbq at the same time, they also have rooms that you can rest if you feel tired, Yongsun rush to Byul and she carries Kyuyeon who is fast asleep on Byul's arm.

"Unnie put him inside his stroller." Byul said. "Okay." Yongsun entered the house and Byul followed her. "WOW! This house is nice!" it's kinda loud and Kyuyeon starts to squirm. "Shhh~! Follow me we can enjoy the party later." Yongsun said they settled Kyuyeon in on of the rooms.

"Yesolah!" Someone called the Moon maknae. "Wheein Unnie!" Yesol hugs her. "Let's go to the backyard." Wheein said. "Wow! Yonghee is really daebak!" "I know right?" Wheein said. "some of the staff that is invited are already here, only the birthday boy is missing."

"Unnie, Just put the comfy clothes first!" Hyejin said to both of her unnies. "Why not he'll wear the hanbok first?" Yongsun asked Hyejin. "Because it will get messy when he eats his food and you brought lots of outfits for his birthday?! Ah! jinjja~" Hyejin said. "I think you're right! I'll change his diapers first and help me with his outfit." Hyejin nods her head, Byul is helping Yonghee Unnie, and Seulgi downstairs, so Hyejin runs upstairs and wants to play with Kyuyeon.

"Unnie? does he have any tricks?" Yongsun laugh. "Yah! He's not a dog, but he knows how to identify colors." Hyejin wides her eyes. "Really?!?" Yongsun nods. "Hyejinah~ help me put his pants on, but first remove your nails." Hyejin pouts but she removes instantly her nails. "Yong! I think we'll start in a few minutes." Byul said while looking at Yongsun. "Wow! you look so handsome!" Byul kissed Kyuyeon on his cheeks which he giggled.

When they went to the backyard where the party will be held, Kyuyeon looks at the balloons with big eyes. "Woah!" He said and he points at the blue balloon. "Bu!" "wed!" he points at the red balloon. "right! handsome and genius!" Byul said. "That's his trick Hyejinah! he knows the primary colors!" Hyejin smiled sweetly at him.

"I think I want to have a kid soon." Hyejin thought to herself.

The party is just starting Solar as the leader volunteered to be the host and they have games for their company staff, friends, and family. When the games ended the food is ready, Kyuyeon is happy he's all smile at his first birthday Byul decided to change his outfit for his doljabi it's a tradition that South Korean practices where different kinds of stuff placed in front of the kid to pick and it will tell their future.

"Okay~ Let's change to your hanbok." Byul said while she lay him down on top of the bed and the baby instantly rolled to the side. "No~ stay still." but to her dismay, he keeps rolling and wiggling. " aish~" She gave her phone to him and he stops moving. "Okay!" she changed him in a flash. "mama~mamama~" he look at Byul and he put the cellphone on his ears. "Hello?~ Is this Kyuyeon?" Byul said pretending to talk to the baby using the TV remote "Oh~ I see, we need to go down already? okay~" She grabs her phone and gave him his teether. "Mama will borrow this okay? Let's go!"

They arrive and the table is already set up.

"Okay! The birthday boy is here! We will have Doljabi in a moment." Byul put him down and his attention caught some of the things spread on the table.

Paint Brush, Microphone, Toy Guitar, Gavel, 50,000 paper bill won, Basket Ball, Soccer ball, and a Book. It was colorful for the baby's eyes.

He crawls to the table and the adults urge him to grab something on the table, he stops and looked at them he smiles at her Omma. Then he grabs the soccer ball.

"YES!!!!" Mr. Kim yelled and he claps his hand, he is a huge fan of soccer. "Okay! Hopefully, he will be on the national team." Mr. Kim said.

They let him crawl on the mat which he claps his hand and he tries to stand up holding on to the soccer ball. He steadied his feet but he fall in front.

"Aigoo!" Byul ran but she was late, he fell on his face first and he cried so much that his face is all red. "It's okay~ It's okay~" Byul trying to calm him down but he just cried with huge tears falling on his chubby cheeks. "Let's go upstairs." Yongsun said and Byul obliged, they check if he has bruises and some scratches, it's all clear. They change him to his onesies and they knew he's just sleepy. He yawned and starts to whine and scratch his ears. "here's the milk sir." Yongsun said and handed his sippy cup and he drinks it. "I'll go downstairs just rest here Yong." Byul said and he pecks her lips. "Just call me if you needed something." Byul reminded her when Byul left. Kyuyeon cuddles on Yongsun and she rubs his back and hums some lullaby, and the baby fell asleep. She sighed and she grabs a nap.

The party ended late afternoon and they return to their hotel rooms, tomorrow they'll go on a tour and they'll do some shopping after.

The Moons and the Kims return to their country the day after the shopping spree they did in London. Both Byul and Yongsun are tired, so the Kims volunteered to take care of Kyuyeon for a couple of days.

"Byulah~ I'm c-close." Yongsun said under her ragged breathing and a few more thrust she reached her peak same goes to Byul who wore the strap-on, she fell on top of Yongsun and she kissed her neck and left some hickeys. "T-That was good." Yongsun said while catching her breath. "It is." Yonghee left early and they had morning sex, they needed to release some stress and tension they both know that they needed this. "Let's order some food Unnie." Byul whisper and Yongsun nods her head and caresses Byul's hair. "But I want one or two more rounds." Byul stared at her and grinned.

"leggo!" Byul happily said.


Author's Note:

Hello! here is another update. Sorry, I don't have any ideas for now I just go with the flow! Thank you for your kind comments! please Upvote! take care, everyone!

 I'm planning on ending this story but I need some nice Ideas to end it. Thank you!!

Enjoy! ❤

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