chapter 3 - was it all a dream?

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Vladmir POV

i downed my whiskey as i watched my men throw aurora's body out.

The stupid bitch didn't help me or give me any information about the italian mafia, my biggest rival. How dare she oppose me, the don of the russian mafia. She knew exactly who i was so i knew that she had information. i have been finding a way to kill the italians and take control of the italian mafia.

before sienna woke up...

"i will never tell you anything you piece of shit. fight me like a man. Scared that i'll kick your ass without the ropes or are you just too pussy?"

I punched her face and stomach repeatedly. She started to chuckle like a maniac.


"never. i will never betray my family. there is nothing you can do to make me say anything"

The don of the italian mafia, lorenzo russo, has been fucking my mafia up. The American and the Spanish mafia are alliances of the italian mafia. Not to mention that the biggest gang in sicily, the serpents, are also alligned with them. Taking them down is harder than i inititally thought. i tortured aurora for a bit more before ddeciding she wasn't going to spill anything. So i left to kill some people.

after aurora got killed...

"There's no use for the girl. put her in a body bag and throw her in her house." i spoke with authority to my men.


Sienna POV

I woke up, gasping for air. i realised that i was stuck in bag and immediately started to feel a panic attack. i was never really claustrophobic before but now, there's no way im not claustrophobic. i started to punch the bag. the bag immediately tore from how strong my punch was. Confusion dominated me as i took in my surroundings. I'm back home? what about chad or mum? oh my god...... MUM! I frantically got out of the bag and started to take deep breaths. i was on the verge of a panic attack. Somehow after a while i managed to breathe normally. That's when i started to think about what happened.

Was it all a dream?

nah. there's no way.

From the side of my eye, i saw a big box with a note on it. Curious, i took the note and read it.

Dear sienna,

Don't think you are safe just yet. I realised that there is no use for you just yet. Until then, here's a little parting gift from me. Until we meet again....


Vladmir Volkov =)

So, it wasn't a dream, i thought as i started to open the box. As soon as I opened it, i threw the box across the room. No. Please god no. A head rolled out of the box when i threw it. A head. My mother's head.

The blood pounded in my ears. My heart thudded in my chest. My hands shook. My feet tingled. My vision disfigured, as if I were looking through a fish-eye lens. I had to get away. Right now. I couldn't stay in that damned house any longer. I couldn't look at it. I clutched my thigh, my hands wrapped so tightly around it that my nails dug into my skin. Breathing was hard. Very hard. I cried harder, my chest growing tight as bile rose in my throat.

I ran out of the house as fast as my legs could carry me. I didn't care about the fact that I had no money or clothes. Somehow, i ended up on the porch of jas' house. I snuck into her room. She was sleeping. I was gasping for air and that woke jas up.

"OH MY GOD LIV! IT'S 2 IN THE MORNING. WHAT HAPPENED?" jas frantically asked me.

I couldn't talk or respond to her questions. Seeing this, she immediately grabbed a water bottle from her nightstand and made me drink it. The worry lines were evident on her face. After a few minutes i manged to choke a few words out.

"MY MU-M. DE-A-D. H-EL-P" i choked out with tears streaming down my face.

Her face paled. That's when her parents burst down the door and ran into the room. Her mum had a knife in her hand while her dad had a baseball bat in his hand. As soon as they saw that there was no danger they dropped their weapons. But, when they saw our faces, their relieved smiles dropped. They stated to question Jas on what happened and she explained everything. The only thing they knew was that mom died, not that she was killed. Sympathy was pasted on their faces when they looked at me. Jas and her mum started hugging and comforting me while her dad left the room to make a phone call. After a few hours, her mum somehow made me sleep with a cup of hot chocolate. When i woke up, i listened to the conversation between their parents.

"Honey i called social services and they're coming in a few minutes to help sienna out" he dad said.

As soon as i heard that, I immediately sprung out of the bed and started to panic. No. Not the foster system. i HAVE to get out of here. Jas was still sound asleep so i grabbed a bag from her closet and stuffed a few clothes in it while silently apologising to Jas for taking her stuff. I grabbed a few snacks from her secret stash and stuffed them into the bag. That's when i heard the doorbell. The social worker is here. I immediately jumped out of her window and landed on the soft grass patch. Jasmine's room was on the first floor so i didn't get injured. I immediately ran away from her house. I ran and ran and ran until my legs gave out.

i knew that i was on my own now. Mum always told me that we had no relatives and that it was only us. My heart clenched at the fact that i had no one now. After making sure no one saw me, i slept on a bench in an alleyway, knowing that no one would find me here. I used the bag as a pillow and stared into the nightsky until i started to doze off.

SOOOOO, How's the story so far guys? i hope you're enjoying it.

- author

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