Chapter 27 - Will you be my Girlfriend?

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Sienna's POV:

" Just climb up the window you pussy. It's not that far. " I whisper-yelled into my phone.

" Sia, baby, your room is at the 23rd floor. " Rio slowly said.

" So? Climb up ya big doornob " 

" Princess, trust me I tried . " Rio told me with a pleading voice.

" Fine asshole. I'll walk all the way down with 3 gunshot wounds just so you can talk to me " I said, guilt tripping him.

" NO. LIE DOWN. Sia you better not walk around. I'll be there in 2 minutes. " He quickly said.

So, you're probably wondering what happened. Well it's around 1 am right now. I managed to convince everyone to let me sleep alone so Rio could sleep with me. After a lot of convincing, they LITERALLY kicked out dying patients and made themselves comfortable in the next room. Idiots.

I cut the call and chortled. I love Rio and everything but I cannot believe he just tried CLIMBING 23 stories. That whipped fucker.

Wait. Hold up. Love?! LOVE?! I need to call Sara.

Knowing Rio will take more than 2 minutes because of the number of guards outside my door, I dialled Sara's number. I know she's awake because she's active on instagram right now. She immediately picked up my call.

" Hey bitch. You need anything? " She whispered into the phone.

" Well not really but I'm kind of freaking out right now "

" Shit, what is it? Did your stitches come out? " She panicked.

" Relax Sar. I just realised something "

" Well? Spit it out " she whisper-yelled.

" Ok so i may or may not uhmm love Rio " I bit my lip.

There was silence on the other side. I tilted my head in confusion.

" Sara, you there? " I slowly asked.

" OH MY GOD. OH MY GOD. YESSS. I'M A PROUD MAMA RIGHT NOW. OH MY GOD SOMEONE STAB ME " She yelled into the phone. I swear my ears went deaf for a second.

" Lorie, what happened? " A raspy voice asked.

" The fuck? Luca is that you? Did you just fuck my best friend? Wait don't answer that " I quickly said the last part.

" Rosy what the fuck. Lorie what is happening? " Luca groaned.

" Sorry Castillo. Can't tell ya. Girl talk. " Sara replied before grabbing the phone from Luca.

" Ok I'm coming there, unless someone's already going there? " Sara smugly said.

" Ok fine. He's attempting to come here "

" Attempting? " She questioned.

" Long story " I said before I heard the door open.

" Ok he's here. Goodnight " I quickly said.

" Use protection " She whispered.

I chuckled before ending the call. I saw Rio run into the room and slam the door shut. He was panting and put his hands on his knees as he tried to regain his breath. I laughed at his state before he walked up to me.

" You should probably change the guards. They're pretty shit " Rio laughed before cupping my face with his hands.

" Yeah I probably should " I whispered before smashing my lips against his.

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