Chapter 26 - prank wars

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Sienna's POV:

When I die, Will someone please go to my funeral dressed like the grim reaper? Don't say anything, just stand there. 

" Bambina, you're not going to die. Rio is, sweetheart " Dad said with an innocent smile.

Oops. Did I say that out loud?

" Yes tesoro. you did. " Angelo laughed.

" Also if you simply touch Rio, I'll burn down all of your warehouses " I sweetly smiled at them.

Carlos, Leo and Teo looked at me with an amused grin. The rest just simply smiled at me, knowing I will actually do it. The silence was getting awkward so Teo and Leo ran towards me.

" I MISSED MY ROSYYYYY!! " they screamed in unison, before glaring at each other.

" AND I MISSED MY IDIOT BROTHERSSS " I screamed back before they squished me in a hug without hitting my wounds.

" Are you guys done? " Carlos said with an annoyed expression before pulling them away from me by their shirts.

I frowned at that. When Los saw my frown he chuckled before engulfing me in a hug.

" They were taking too long tesoro. I wanted to hug my dumb sister " he teased me.

" Awww, you're too sweet, CHAZ " I smirked at him.

A few weeks ago, I was thinking of nicknames for Carlos. I didn't really like Los so I started coming up with random ones. I said Chaz out loud for fun. Carlos heard that and he immediately hated it so I just stuck with it.

Chaz flipped me off in a joking manner. Next, Angelo came up to me. He ruffled my hair to annoy me before kissing my forehead. He looked into my eyes before saying...

" Try that shit one more time and I'll kill you myself " He said with tears brimming his eyes.

My heart broke as I thought about how worried they were these past few days. To lighten up the mode, I squeezed Ang's cheek with my hand and slapped his head. What?

" Hey!! What was that for? " He complained. The rest of my family laughed at him.

" That's for saying you'll kill me, Angel " I teased him.

Angel was also a name Angelo hated. I had names for all of them. But if I were to tell Enzo his name, he'd probably shoot me. Time to test that theory..

Dad, Enzo and Em came up to me with their arms akimbo. Dad gave his phone to Angel and whispered something in his ear. He then turned back to me with a stern face. All 3 of them looked like they were about to pounce on me.

Fuck what did I do?

" Sienna, is the- " I cut off dad.

" Wait. What did I do to make you call me Sienna? " My voice broke as I started to panic.

" Oh my god look at her face. Both of are just bullies. She just came out of a coma. Keep this up and you'll land her back in one " Em scolded them before hugging me.

He rubbed my back as I tilted my head in confusion. Suddenly, everyone burst out in laughter except for me and em. Dad was laughing the hardest and he slapped Leo's back unknowingly. Leo Yelped before whining.

What in the fuckity fuck is going on?

That's when Luca and Sara barged into the room. They looked at us in confusion before Luca's face came to realisation. His mouth formed an 'O' before he started lightly chuckling. Sara and I were still confused.


He stumbled to Luca before showing him the video. Luca burst out laughing too as he pointed to me. Oh those little shits. I hope they stub their fucking toes. I decided to do a little payback. 

I pretended like I was going to get up before delivering a ear-splitting scream. I placed my hand on top of my wound, pretending like it was bleeding. I started to pretend like I couldn't breathe. Sara looked at me with a knowing smirk and I winked back at her.

The second they all heard my scream, the room went deadly silent. They snapped their faces to me before their eyes widened. They all rushed to me while yelling at Sara to call the doctor. Sara silently laughed, slowly turning and walking at a snails pace. Luca immediately threw Sara on his shoulder and ran out the door to get a doctor. Wow, i deserve an oscar.

In a few seconds, they returned with a doctor. Sara was punching Luca's back while Luca was pointing a gun at the doctor. Poor doc. Doesn't get paid enough.

Dad pushed the doctor to me making him stumble. The doctor looked like he was on the verge of tears. I couldn't control my laughter after that. I burst out laughing along with Sara. We literally Cackled. Everyone was frozen in their places. The doc sighed, putting a hand on his heart before walking out of the room.

" WHAT THE FUCK ROSE " Enzo yelled.

" Payback Lozenge " I smirked.

Dad breathed out a sigh before sitting  on a chair. He kept muttering something to himself while rubbing his face. He looked like he was panicking too. He kept mumbling the same phrase over and over again. Somehow, I managed to catch what he was saying.

" I can't believe my daughter pranked the prank king " 

" Pack it up Ace. I'm taking over. You're too old anyways. It's time I take over " I smirked at dad.

" Who're you calling old bambina? " Dad raised an eyebrow, walking towards me.

" You, old man " I smugly said.

" Oh really? "

" Oh no, never threaten his title as prank king tesoro " Enzo said, shuddering for dramatic effect.

Dad raised his arms and started tickling the fuck out of me. He was careful not to touch my wounds though . Teo and Leo came to me to try to hold me down but one glare from me made them cower away. After deciding to end my torture, dad looked at me with a smug expression.

" There's only one way to end this. PRANK WARSSS!! " Teo screamed, jumping in excitement.

" Absolutely, yes. This will ONLY be between Dad and Rose though ANDD prank wars will start in 1 month so Rosy can heal fully. " Enzo said.

" Shake on it guys " Em said.

I looked at dad and he looked back at me. We both slowly smirked at the same time. This old man has NO idea what he's gotten himself into.

" 1 month, figlia. "

" 1 month Ace "

" May the best prankster win " We both said in unison.

" Ok this is way too creepy. Anyone wants Doritos? " Teo said while eating his doritos.

Did this bitch just pull a dorito packet from his ass? 


Sooo, im excited for prank wars but don't think all is good.

Remember to vote and comment babes!!

~ author ;)))

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