Chapter 23 - Gunshots

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Lorenzo's POV:

Watch your back. I'm coming

~ Vladmir ;)

I read the text message again and again. I felt anger coursing through my veins. I threw my phone on the wall, watching it smash into many pieces. I managed to find the location of a couple of his warehouses. I also managed to bomb the places up.

Vladmir messed with me so I messed with him. What did he expect me to do? Sing Kumbaya as he blew up my warehouses? Neither of us are winning the war. I'm all out of moves so I'm waiting on his next grand gesture.

The ringing of my office phone disrupted my thoughts. If this call is about Vladmir, I will burn this house to the ground. I don't care if Angelo or Carlos is busy taking a shit or not. Yes, I burned the house down once and both Angelo and Carlos were busy taking a shit and had to run out of the house butt-naked. Dad even took a few pictures and framed them.

" Hello, is this Mr Russo? " A lady asked.

" Who's asking? " 

" I'm Sienna's teacher. I'm calling to inform you that Sienna didn't make it to class today. " She told me.

This girl is going to be the death of me.

" Thank you for informing me " I said before I ended the call.

I decided to call Luca to ask if he knew where Rose was, unless he ditched too. He picked up the call and asked me what I wanted.

" Where's your sister? " 

" Why do you always assume I know where she is? " He replied.

" You have your ways " 

" Give me a second, I'll call you back " He replied, cutting the call before I could even say anything.

After a few minutes he called me back.

" It's weird how you don't answer your actual phone but you answer the office one " He said.

" So, do you know where she is? " I asked, not bothering to explain what happened to my actual phone.

" Yeah, she's fine. She won't be coming back today though. She's having a girls night with Sara " 

I just cut the call. I ran my fingers through my hair in annoyance. I have so much to deal with and I can't focus on that if my sister is being a fucking rebel. All my siblings have been taking me for granted for a few weeks now.

It's time I put them in place...


Sienna's POV:

" AHHH!! SLOW THE FUCK DOWN LIV. WE'RE GONNA CRASH! " Noah screamed like a girl, clutching onto the seat like his life depended on it.

Sara and I just laughed at him before I started to speed even more. Now, Sara also looked terrified. I love the adrenaline I get from racing. I always feel free, like nobody can control me. I suddenly drifted the car when I spotted an ice cream cart.

As soon as I stopped the car, Noah jumped out of it and puked on the nearest bush. Even Sara started puking. I just burst out laughing, slapping the car. They both slowly turned their heads to me and glared at me.

" Run " they both said.

 I immediately bolted as they chased after me. We were in a park and it was pretty empty. After a few minutes of chasing, Noah managed to catch up with me and jumped on my back. Sara was just a few feet behind him so she jumped on Noah. 

I landed on the grass with a thud. Noah was now on top of me and Sara was on top of Noah. They started laughing at me now as I groaned from how heavy they both combined were. Sara proceeded to sit on Noah's back to restrict any movement from me.

" Can't... breathe....need....air.... " I choked out.

After deciding to end my torture, they got up from my back. I flipped my body around and laid on the grass, facing the sky. Sara laid next to me. Then, we both looked at Noah with puppy dog eyes and pouted.

" Ok, cut it out. What do you want? " Noah asked.

" Cookie dough ice cream "

" Fudge brownie " 

We sheepishly smiled at him as Noah groaned in response.

" Why can't y'all get it. " he whined.

" Because we can't. " I replied.

" Please Noah. " Sara pleaded.

" Ughh fine, but both of you owe me one " He stomped his feet away like a toddler, making us both snicker.

" WE LOVE YOU. ALSO YOU'RE PAYING " Sara screamed.

Noah flipped us off before walking to the cart to order for us. Both of us just shook our heads and laughed. Sara and I started talking about how much trouble we were going to be in for skipping school. After a few minutes, Noah returned with 3 cups in his hands.

He gave us our ice creams and flipped us off. Sara and I smiled and flipped him off in return. We leaned against a tree and started devouring our ice creams, talking about random shit.

" Sooo, what's going on between you and Rio " Noah smirked.

" Nothing " I dismissed him.

" Oh please, both of you practically eye fuck each other when you're in the same room. " Noah retorted.

" Just like you eye fuck my brother? " I wiggled my eyebrows.

Noah's face turned into a deep shade of red as he looked away from us.

" Aww, does little Noah have a crush on Teo? " Sara said in a child's voice.

You should've seen his face. Priceless. 

Sara quickly took a picture of his red face and sent it to Teo. Noah's eyes widened as he suddenly jumped on Sara. Since, I was sitting really close to Sara, he ended up tackling me too. He tried to reach for Sara's phone but she threw it to me. I managed to wiggle out of Noah's grasp and run with the phone. 

Noah ran after me and pulled my jacket towards him. I flew back, landing on him. He started to tickle the shit out of me before I threw the phone back to Sara. Noah then ran to Sara, tackling her and tickling her before he managed to grab her phone. 

When he saw the phone, his face became beetroot red. Sara and I looked at each other before running to Noah. We peered over his shoulder to look at the phone. Once we saw what was on it, we burst out laughing, rolling on the grass.

Teo responded saying, My new wallpaper🙌🙌. Thanks Sara, you're the best😘.

Again, his face was priceless. Noah started jumping around and squealing like a girl. He looked at us and hugged us, kissing both of our foreheads. We laughed before kissing his cheek. I don't think he knew about Teo's crush on him before this.

They are literally a match made in heaven.

Suddenly, I heard 2 gunshots.

" BANG " 

" BANG "


Sorry, felt like injuring someone lmao. And also sorry for the cliffhanger BAHAHAHAH.

Also, just to remind you guys. 

This is a fictional book. I like to spice things up because where's the fun in normal? So, i know the whole Venom personality and the eyes changing colour are not realistic. But again, this is a fictional book babes. You'll see why I'm making it like this. Read to find out about the birth of Venom. -----> major teaser btw ;)

Which character do you want to know more about? Comment and I'll make the next chapter their POV 

~ author.

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