Chapter 25 - Pizza?

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Third person:

It's been 3 days since the youngest Russo was shot. 3 days since her brothers have slept. 3 days since anyone ate. 3 days since anyone went home. 

The youngest brother, Teo, has been sobbing his heart out these past few days. The twins have been kicked out of the hospital about four times so far, but they always found a way back in. Carlos has been fighting the urge to do drugs again, but he knew he couldn't do that to his family. Not right now. Angelo and Enzo have been trying to control their emotions for the sake of their family. Ace couldn't bear the sight of his only daughter looking dead so he went home and thrashed his office. Emiliano has been struggling to take care of all his brothers while dealing with his emotions himself.

As the days went by, so did their hope. The hope of their sister waking up and brightening their day with her oh so sweet smile. The doctors told them that there wasn't much hope for their sister to ever wake up again. The doctor was now dead, courtesy of Ace.

The youngest Russo was brought into the hospital by Noah and Sara. She was shot thrice, by an unknown person. She lost so much blood that her heart stopped twice during surgery. She suffered a gun shot wound to her stomach, shoulder and thigh. The bullet that hit her shoulder was only a few centimetres away from her heart. This resulted in her being in a coma.

Noah and Sara have been stuck like glue for the past three days. They never left each other. They clung onto each other like their lives depended on it. Every night, they cried themselves to sleep, blaming themselves on what happened to their best friend. The Lopez family and the Grey family have been at the hospital too, comforting the Russo family.

Rio was with Luca when they got the news. He felt like his soul had shattered into a million pieces. He couldn't show Luca how much he cared about his Sia, but at that moment he didn't care. He immediately drove to the place they first met and burst into tears. His wails of agony were heard by everyone in the proximity. Without thinking, He went after the russians alone, thinking it was them and went on a killing spree.

He knew he fell for her the moment he set eyes on her. He knew he was down bad when he spoke to her. He knew he felt happy for the first time in his life when he was with her. Rio wanted to confess his love to Sia, but when he saw her his whole world stopped. Since Noah and Sara were the only people who knew about their relationship, they managed to comfort him but only to a certain extent.

For the past three days, everyone has been taking turns to talk to Sienna. Noah and Sara slept in Sienna's room the whole time, never leaving her out of sight. Her brothers told her about their day and how much they missed her.

Ace and Lorenzo have been taking it the hardest. They felt guilty about what happened at school. They didn't get to apologise to her yet. So the thought of their Rose dying thinking they hate her, shattered their hearts into a thousand pieces.

Emiliano has been scrambling around trying to take care of his family, neglecting his own health. He has been keeping a huge secret from all of them for a while now. He couldn't bring himself to do it.

When hope fades away and patience diminishes within time, there is always room for faith and a miracle.


Sienna's POV:

I felt trapped. I couldn't move at all. I tried to scream but it was of no use. I felt like I was screaming into a vacuum, where no one could hear me. I did hear voices though.

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