Chapter 22 - skipping school

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Sienna's POV:

" Sia, wake up. We have school. "

" I swear I will throw water on your face if you don't get up "

I opened one of my eyes and peeked at Rio. He raised his eyebrows at me before I shut them close again. He has been trying to get me to wake up for the past 40 minutes but I have been ignoring him.

" Sia, I'm not telling you again, get your ass up " Rio said with his arms crossed at the foot of the bed.

I groaned in response and snuggled into my blanket. He threw the blanket off of me and I screamed when he grabbed my foot and pulled me to him. Without any warning whatsoever, he started tickling me. I laughed and thrashed around in his grip. I tried to escape from his hold but his grasp was too strong.

" OK OK i'M UP " I laughed, making him stop.

I walked out of the room to go get ready for school. I was going to skip school today but I knew I had to deal with my brothers sooner or later, and I wanted to apologise to Luca. I brought some clothes with me from home yesterday so I changed into that.

 I brought some clothes with me from home yesterday so I changed into that

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( the outfit )

Once I was satisfied with my appearance, I walked to the living room. Rio was sitting on the couch, typing on his phone. His whole outfit was just black. Not even a speck of any other colour. He wore black jeans, a black hoodie and wore a leather jacket on top of that.

When he noticed my presence, he turned his phone off and gave me his full attention. Rio eyed me up and down and smirked. He took long strides towards me and wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me close to him. I pecked his lips, savouring his taste, and hugged him.

" Come on, we're pretty late for school. Sara texted me saying the guys will reach school in about 20 minutes, so we have to leave now. How are you feeling? " he mumbled into my hair.

" I'm fine " I dismissed him.

" Don't lie to me. I know you're not fine. You don't have to put up a facade with me. I can read you like a book " He said, kissing my forehead.

I smiled at him. I was debating on whether I should tell Rio what happened or just leave it. He helped me so much last night, he deserves to know everything, I decided.

" I want to tell you everything. But we have to reach school before my brothers arrive so I'll tell you afterwards, okay? Also, can you do me a favour? " I looked up at him.

" Anything. What is it? " Rio replied.

" Can you drop me at the airport at 7pm? " I asked. He definitely didn't expect that.

" What, why? Where are you going? I'll go with you, it's not safe. " Rio frantically said.

" Relax, Diaz. I just have to pick someone up " I chuckled.

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