chapter 2- vladmir

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sienna POV

i started to feel the drugs wear off me. i opened my eyes to see absolutely nothing. like pitch black. i groaned as i felt a massive migraine. Suddenly, all the memories of what had happened before came back to me. Jasmine, the russians and MY MUM. fuck.

"MUM! WHERE ARE YOU" i screamed feeling panic washing me.

" jesus christ honey, tone it down a little. im having a killer migraine." my mum casually said.

tf. im pretty sure we're kidnapped and this is all she has to say?

Nonetheless, i felt relief wash over me as i knew my mother was right next to me. that's when i realised that i couldn't move. i was strapped to a chair by ropes. i know i shouldn't expect a 5 star hotel after being kidnapped but can they at least loosen the ropes? gahdayum.

My mum was about to tell me something but she got cut off by a screeching noise. Someone's in here.

"Well, well, well. look what we have here" a man with a thick russian accent said. while

"a bitch that will punch your face if you don't let us go" i retorted.

"feisty. Вы подняли милую маленькую шлюху полярное сияние"

(you raised a nice little slut aurora) ~aurora is the mother's name~

"Поговорите обо мне так еще раз, и у вас не будет языка. попробуй меня, я смею тебя" i said with a smirk.

(talk about me like that one more time and you won't have a tongue. try me, i dare you)

As soon as i said that, his eyes widened. he didn't know that mum made me learn many languages including russian. my mum looked at me with a proud smile. However, the russian dude got pissed and grabbed my hair.

" why do you people always grab my hair for fucks sake. like it hurts you fools." i exclaimed.

This only angered the russian more. You know what, i am gonna name him. How about chad? hmm seems fitting. So, this is how i ended up with a swollen face.

fast forward to now

" You fucking bitch. how dare you disrespect me. I am Vladmir Volkov. This should teach you a lesson" chad said before striking my face another 3 times.

By now, my mother was fuming. She started screaming very colourful phrases to chad. i was about to contribute before he grabbed a whip and whipped my mother. Hell no. he fucked with the wrong bitch today.

I immediately started to try to free myself from the ropes. Who tf is vladmir volkov and why did he kidnap us? anyways, this aint gonna stop me from calling him chad.

After a few minutes of trying, i managed to free myself from the ropes. what i didn't realise was that he had 2 of his men behind him, with needles in their hands. Before chad could whip my mother again, i sprung up and jumped on him. i put him in a chokehold. But, obviously luck wasn't on my side because one of the 2 men behind him immediately stabbed my thigh with the needle. whatever drug was on that immediately started working as i felt my body go immobile.

Chad pushed me of him and threw me to the side of the cell. He also stabbed my mother with the same drug. The feeling was unreal. It felt like my insides were ripping apart but somehow i could not go unconscious. That's when chad spoke up.

"This drug is one of my many creations. You will be completely aware of what's happening around you but you wont be able to move or talk. Classic torture technique. Anyways, before you woke up, your dearest mother did not confess anything so i do not see why she is still breathing" chad said with a stupid smirk on his ugly face.

Before i could even comprehend anything, chad took a gun out and shot my mother between her eyes.

I felt my whole body shut down. i couldn't think or speak. i just saw my mother get murdered in front of my eyes. The drug started to wear off. Huge body-shaking sobs racked my body, each coming in a wave, and with every sob, i let out a low whimper. i wailed in sorrow and pain. Vladmir, yes vladmir, and the others chuckled like they were watching the most amusing thing in their life. Soon enough, i blacked out.

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