Chapter 17 - That day

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Unknown POV:

The Russo's will never see me coming. I have not one but 2 secret weapons.

Backup plans for everything that might go wrong one, thousands of soldiers, the unlimited weapons. There's no way we can be defeated.

I will once again take my rightful place as the greatest and most powerful Don to ever exist. They will never see me coming...


Lorenzo's POV:

I changed my bloody shirt to a cleaner one. I just got back from dealing with the russian who got caught. That fucker was so loyal to Vladmir that he chose death over revealing information. I would've killed him anyways.

Although, he did mention something about Rose. He wanted to be caught by us because Vladmir had a message for me. 

Tell my dear Sienna to watch her back 

This is the message for me. I lost control and beat the living shit out of that cagna. Good Riddance. I have been acting extremely cautious around Rose.

That day was terrifying for all of us. I don't think Rosy remembers what happened though. It was as if she became a new person, like another soul possessed her. Venom. My first thought was personality disorder so I asked Em to check her out when she was unconscious.

However, All the tests came back negative, so she doesn't have personality disorder. Em did a full body check up on her but everything was normal. It just didn't make any sense at all.

Cami has been checking up on me and asking if everything was Ok back here. I told her everything, and she was surprised to say the least.

I mean we all know Rosy is a rebel and she doesn't follow what is asked of her but no one ever expected this. I did plan on having a talk with her about this soon. She deserves to know what happened.

I'm just praying nothing like that happens at school..


Ace's POV:

I have been having nightmares about my rosy ever since the incident. What happened to her to make her act like that still remains as a mystery. 

Enzo told me that Em did a full body check up on her and everything came back normal. So what is happening to my daughter? 

I feel like a failure. I can't even figure out what's causing this. I think it's time I spend some quality time with her. I barely even know my own daughter, and I know my sons don't either. I'm definitely planning a beach trip for this weekend, just my family, bonding.


Luca's POV

I have been checking up on Rose constantly ever since that day. She's clueless on what happened during that time period, which is a good thing. She doesn't need any triggers.

I've been checking up on her because I'm scared that at any time of the day, Venom will take over her. For the first time in a while, I felt fear. And that says a lot because I'm literally an assassin and street fighter.

School's starting in a few hours so I'm hoping everything goes smoothly for rose. Any fucker who looks at her the wrong way will have their skulls smashed by my fist.

Sara has been pestering me to know what happened to her friend. I told her everything because she's the only person I can freely talk to. It is a bit complicated in terms of my relationship with her.

I don't really know what we are. I'm known to everyone as a player and now I have feelings for my sisters friend. God, sometimes the universe really likes to take a big ass shit on my family.



Heyy! extremely short chapter today but i'm going to try a triple update now cause fuck chemistry amiright? 

Tell me who's POV you want next :)

Who do you think the unknown person is? Any guesses?



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