The Party

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Ariana's pov

This morning, I got a group message from my basketball coach saying that we will cancel practice Sunday and have it today instead, which is Saturday. I texted him saying that I was able too and everyone one else did too.

I was getting ready for the day since practice wasn't until 1 pm. I heard my phone ringing and I saw that Emerson was calling me. "Hey Ari, do you want me to pick you up for practice?" Em asked as I picked up the call.

"Yes please" I said nicely trying to put my socks on without falling.

"Okay, I'll see you at 12:30" I said okay and I hung up. She would always pick me up 30 minutes before the practice actually started. The school wasn't far from our house anyways so and we like to be early to things. If I'm one minute late or even thirty seconds, I will loose my shit.

"Brunch is ready" Eli knocked at my door as I was still struggling to put my socks on.

"Why can't I put these on?" I was getting agree and then boom. "Ow shit" I fell off my bed, my ass hitting the floor. That's going to hurt for a while.

Robbie's pov

I just asked Eli to tell his sister that brunch is ready. "Is she coming down?" I asked as Eli came back downstairs to the kitchen.

"Yeah she's coming" he sat down next to Chris who was reading something on his phone.

"Ow shit" I heard a thump and Ari yell from upstairs.

"What the hell?" I ran upstairs to see what happened. "What happened?!" I opened the door to her room seeing her on the ground.

"Kinda fell on my ass" she laughed.

"You alright?"

"I will be after I eat" she got up from the ground and walked out of the room, me following her. "I hope there's french toast" she said making her way to sitting down next to scarlett.

"Yes there is" Lizzie said walking in with a plate of French toast.

"Yummy" she made grabby hands and made all of us laugh.

We all started to eat and laugh like always. "Oh I forgot to tell you that we have practice today instead of tomorrow" Ari said placing her plate in the dishwasher.

"Okay and I'm assuming Emerson is picking you up" Lizzie asked doing the same thing.

"Yup and it's at 1 on Em will be here at 12:30" Ari told us as I looked down at my watch.

"You should get ready then. It's 12:15" I told her and she looked at the time on her phone and ran upstairs.

Elijah's pov

After Ariana ran upstairs to get ready, I helped clean up. Scarlett and I grabbed the plates and all that stuff and handed it to Chris so that he can put it in the dishwasher. Mom and dad were putting the food away.

*ding dong* "I'll get it" I gently placed a cup down on the counter and ran to the door. Before I could even open it, Emerson did it herself with Jayden behind her.

"How's my favourite twin doing?" She said walking in.

"Don't tell Ari that or she will kill you" I said closing the door behind them. "Oh and next time, maybe just walk right in instead of ringing the bell. You do it anyways" she playfully punched me and we all walked to the kitchen.

"Hey kids, how are you guys doing?" Mom asked them as Em went to grab a cup from the drawer and fill it up.

"Eh i had to drive to Jayden's friends house to pick up some homework then go back to my house and pick Jayden up and now drive here to pick Ari up and drop Jayden off"

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