Ms. Greene

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Ariana's pov

It's been a couple weeks since I was grounded. I promised them that I would ask before I do something stupid. Anyways, today I had a basketball practice. That went well. Now Emerson was driving me home.

"You sure you and Eli will be fine home alone?" Em asked me pulling up to the house.

"Yes we will" I said getting out of the car.

"BE SAFE BITCH" Em yelled from the car and I turn around and roll my eyes at her.

"BITCH I WILL" I said unlocking the door and walking in.

"Why are you screaming?" Eli asked me with a dog treat in his hand.

"No reason" I took my Birkenstock's off and walked to the living room turning the tv on and Eli followed. "Do you know when they're coming back?" I clicked play on our favourite show, Outer Banks.

"Um in like an hour or two" Eli looked at his watch at sat down next to me. "Omg Sarah and Kiera are hot as fuck" he said when Sage sat down next to him chewing on her toy.

"Eh I'd rather JJ" I snatched the blanket Eli was using.

"So you like bad boys" he smirked at me.

"And you like bad girls" he sigh and I knew I won this argument. I always do.

30 minutes later

Elijah's pov

We were almost finished an episode of Outer Banks, until Sage ran to the window and started to bark.

I looked over at Ariana and she looked at me. "Stay here" i told Ari and she nodded.

I walked over to the window and looked in the direction Sage was barking at. "Shit" I saw who was at the door. Ms. Greene. I ran back to where Ari was. "She's here"

Ari got up and started to panic. "She's going to kill us" she said walking around the room. "I'm to young to die"

"Hey we're not going to die" I placed my hands on her shoulder. "We need to call mom and dad" i said picking up my baseball bat that was by the tv. "Follow me" we ran upstairs to the living room and walked to the big window. We could see the whole front yard and the door.

"Come on kids. I know you're in there. Come out" I could here Ms. Greene yell from outside while banging on the door.

"Why now" Ariana was about to cry.

"Hey don't cry" I hugged her. "Everything will be okay" i let go of her and she nodded.

I made sure that we were hiding away from the window but not that far so that we can still see what's happening. "I'm calling them" Ari said holding her phone out and puts it on speaker.

"Hello" I heard moms voice from the other side.

"Mom, come home" Ari said about to cry again.

"Why what's wrong" I heard dads voice. I guess they were together or something. Or maybe mom finished her scenes and dad picked her up. Idk.

"Crazy lady is here" I spoke up since Air couldn't. I hugged her while still holding the batt.

"Shit" I heard mom whisper. "Are you guys in a safe place?" She asked us and we said yes. Now we do have a couple of hiding spots, but this one was the one we could still see outside.

"Please hurry" i said hearing the knocks getting harder.

"Okay okay, um MK and Ashley are on there way"

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