Who Is This Kid?

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Elijah's pov

I saw that Ari bumped into someone and it was someone that she wanted to forget for her whole life. "This is good" i told myself and ran towards her.

"What's not good?" Mom and Emerson asked following me.

"You good?" I asked Ari and she nodded and I helped her up.

"Well look who it is, my favourite twins" the kid who's name is Kobe.

"Go away Kobe" Ariana said walking towards mom who was still walking.

"Or what?" He grabbed her arm and she winced.

"Don't touch her!" I yanked his arm off of her and she stood behind me.

Lizzie's pov

I heard Eli said not to touch her so that made me walk faster. "What's going on here?" I asked them as I saw Ariana holding her arm. It looked red.

"Oh nothing we're just having a little chat" the guy said.

I saw Ariana shack her head and I pulled the twins behind me. "Can i help you with anything?" I asked him coldly.

"Actually yes, I'd like to get your autograph" he said taking out a piece of paper and a pen.

"Don't he's bad news" I heard Eli whispered to me and I nodded my head.

"Actually we have somewhere to be so we need to get going" i ushered all three kids in front of me so that the guy didn't do anything he'd regret.

"I thought no one would adopt you especially how ugly you two are" the guy said and I was about to blow his brain out.

"They are not ugly. You should look yourself in the mirror cause it would shatter immediately" Emerson stood up for her best friends.

"Let's just go" Ariana said and we all walked away leaving him behind.

Ariana's pov

As soon as we arrived at our room, I went straight for the bathroom and turned the shower on and climbed in with my clothes still on.

I sat there crying for a solid 5 minutes until someone knocked on the door. "Ariana? Can I come in?" I heard Elijah's voice.

"Yeah" I said loud enough for him to hear. Then the door opened, then I heard someone sit down in front of me.

I look up to see what's happening. "Why are you in the shower with your clothes on?" Eli asked me.

"Why are you?" I challenged him.

"Fair enough but are you okay?" He asked me.

I sighed. "Yeah I'm fine I guess" I put some wet hair behind my ear so that I can see him better.

"You know if you ever need something, I'm with you" he stuck out his pinky.

I attached my pinky to his. "Till the end of time" I finished.

I then heard the door open again and Emerson walked in the shower with her clothes on and sat down with us. "Thanks for leaving me behind" she said.

"Oh we wanted too" Eli said getting a glare from Emerson.

"How rude!" She said like how Stephanie from Full House says it.

~time skip~

Robbie's pov

I walked to the kids room to see if they were ready since we were leaving in 10 minutes. "Kids are you ready?" I knock on the door.

"Why can't I just wear sweats and a hoodie?" Ariana asked me as she opened the door and letting me in.

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