We Will Always Love You

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Ariana's pov

So... mom just told us that she's pregnant.

"Coolio" I said eating my supper not really listening to what they are talking about.

After supper

We all walked back in silence. I unlocked our room and immediately changed into grey sweats and i while crop top in the bathroom.

I then walked out and put my shoes on and head out to the beach to get mine off things buttttt Elijah had to stop me first.

"Where are you going?" He asked me before I could close the door.

"To the beach" I told him while walking away and following me.

"To do what?" He asked as I pressed the button for the main floor.

"To clear my mind off things" I shrugged and walked in the elevator.

I saw Emerson walk behind Eli. "Where are you going?" She asked me.

"Beach" I said before the doors closed.

As soon and the doors opened, I walked out of the hotel and off to the beach.

The beach wasn't that far away. It was only a five minute walk from the hotel which was great. There was a path to it which was cool.

I arrived and saw some people playing a volleyball game and others just chilling.

It was around 8 pm so the sun was setting. I sat down where there wasn't many people and watch the sun set.

I sat there thinking when the baby is born, they wouldn't want us anymore since we aren't related by blood.

I sat there crying for a solid 10 minutes until I felt someone sit down next to me.

Robbie's pov

I needed to ask Ariana a question about the skateboard since it was cool. So I walked over to the kids room and knock on the door.

"Where's your sister?" I asked Elijah who opened the door.

"She went out to the beach"

"What? Why?" I asked getting worried.

"I don't know she said she needs to clear her mind" he shrugged but I could tell he was stressing for her.

"Okay stay here, moms in the other room if you kids need her" I told them as I saw Emerson laying on the bed watching tv.

"Okay" the kids said and I went back to our room to tell Lizzie where I'm going.

"Hey babe, I'm going to look for Ariana" I told her. She looked stress.

"What do you mean 'go look for Ariana?'" She sat up from the bed but I pushed her back down.

"Don't worry I know where she is" I felt her relax a bit. "Now you two, just relax and watch tv" she nodded and I left to find Ari.

Elijah told me that she would be at the beach, so I went there. There was a path from the hotel to the beach which was great. And it wasn't too long of a walk.

After about five minutes, I arrived. I started to look around seeing people playing volleyball and other games.

I took my shoes off and started walking on the sand, still looking for Ariana.

I couldn't find her so I started to get worried but then I found this small finger sitting on the sand with her head between her knees.

I walked over to her and I could head her crying but I ignored it for now. I sat down next to her and she stopped crying.

"You alright?" I asked her concerned.

"Always" she put on a fake smile and i sighed.

We sat there in silence looking at the waves crash. "Can you tell me what's wrong?"

She didn't say anything for a while until she did. "I'm scared" she said scooting closer to me and I wrapped my arm around her.

"About what?"

"When the baby is born" she replied and I was confused. So confused. I think she felt that I was so she kept talking. "I'm scared that you guys won't love us anymore" she looked down playing with the rings on her finger that Lizzie gave her.

"Ariana don't ever say that" she looked up at me. "We will always love you no matter what. We don't care if your not our biological kids but we will still love you so don't put those things in your head" I told her and she smiled.

"Do you promise?" She took out her pinky.

"Where did I ever break a promise?" I took my own pinky and hooked it up with hers.

"Well..." when she said that, I immediately knew what she was going to say. "Remember you promised me if I ever won the chess game you would get me some cotton candy?" She smirked.

"How do you still remember that?" I was shocked she still did since she was like 9.

"Well I do remember things that are important"

"So not your math then" I laughed and she playfully punched me. "I'm kidding"

"Sooooo cotton candy?" She got up and dusted herself off.

"A promise is a promise" I said getting up and taking her to a cotton candy store.

Ariana's pov

Dad just bought me some cotton candy which I was so excited about. But he also got everyone else a little something so that it was fair.

We walked back with smiles on our faces. Dad unlocked his bedroom door and we could hear gagging and Elijah's voice saying 'get it all out' and Emerson running down the hallway and into the room with some water.

"What is going on?!" Dad said panicking.

Oh god.

Anyways can't wait to get pregnant so that I can experience all the nausea and stuff like that ✌️

Anyways how's life

and don't be a stranger we know the routine now don't we?

if you don't lmao i'm will be asking for suggestions lmao

okay okay have a good day/night

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