Scared of Thunder?

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Ariana's pov

I woke up the next day with a massive headache. "Ugh why did I go to that stupid party" I told myself as I took the pills and drank the water.

There was a knock and the door. "Come in" i said while Eli walked in and sitting down next to me.

"You know you're in big trouble" he told me.

"I know" I placed my head in my hands. "Did you tell them?"

"Of course I did" I lifted her head up and looked at me. "I had too. I was worried about you"

"Okay" I got up and went to change in my bathroom.

"Oh and mom and dad are waiting for you downstairs" Eli said then walking out of my room to give me some privacy.

"Shit" I told myself as I tried to get myself to look somewhat presentable. "Here goes nothing" I opened my door and walked downstairs getting ready for what's going to happen.

"Good morning sweetheart. How's your head?" Mom asked me while placing some eggs on my plate.

"It's fine" I sat down next to Eli.

"Lies" Eli told me and I punched him in the ribs.

"What's wrong with you?" Mom asked me as she sat down in front of me.

"Lots of things actually" I laughed but Eli told me to shut up and listen. So I did. "Sorry"

"Why would you go to a party when you know you're not supposed too?" Mom asked me.

"Because i wanted to have fun" I gave some eggs to Sage. She was sitting next to me on the floor wagging her tail.

"You're grounded" she told me and walked out of the room.

"Great" I told myself and left the room to get my shoes and jacket. Eli just had to follow me.

"Where are you going?" He asked me reaching up to me with Sage behind him.

"Out" I opened the door but Eli closed it.

"You're grounded" he told me and I rolled my eyes.

"I don't care. I need some air" I opened the door once more and left the house. I could hear Eli shouting my name but I blocked it out.

To be honest, I didn't know where I was going. I was just walking around.

Elijah's pov

After Ariana left, I went to go look for mom or dad. Doesn't matter who. Just one one them. I went to check in dad's music room, but he wasn't there so I went to go check in the backyard to see if mom was there. And yes she was. Planting some flowers or something.

"Hey mom" i said nervously and she looked up at me with that face. Why does she always have to do that face. You know that face that your parents do when they know somethings up. Yup that's it.

"What did your sister do now?" She went back to planting some seeds.

"Um nothing" I told her bending down to help her.

"Elijah Olsen" she looked up from what she was doing.

"Fine. Ari left the house" I said scared of what she was going to say.

"She what?!" She yelled and I swear the whole country could have heard her.

"What? What's wrong?" dad came running in with a dog toy in his hands and Sage right behind him trying to get the toy.

"Ariana left the house" I told him. "I told her not to"

"Do you know where she went?" Mom asked cleaning her stuff up.

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