The Call

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Emerson's pov

I'm so annoyed. Earlier today, before we got here, this girl on the cheer team decided to threaten me to break up with Ariana. I told her that I would rather die to do that but now she's texting me asking if I did it or not.

Everyone was having fun at the party. I can hear Ari's laugh from across the room which makes me smile. But I have to deal with this girl.

I walk inside the house and as I soon as I did, I got a call from the exact same girl. "What!?" I answer. "Wow is that how you're going to talk to your future girlfriend?" The girl said on the other side. "I will never date you Aubrey" I roll my eyes and sit down on a chair.

"Trust me, after I get ride of the bitch your dating-" "she's not a bitch!" I swear this girl. "Whatever. We are hanging out tomorrow or else your secrets will be leaked" she said and I knew I couldn't say anything about it now.

They were bad secrets but I wouldn't want them to be out there in the world. "Fine" I roll my eyes and hang up on her immediately. "Fuck fuck fuck fuck" I whisper putting my head on the pillow and silently crying.

Ariana's pov

I walk inside to see what wrong with Em and I hear her whisper fuck a couple of times then laying on the couch with her head on the pillow crying. I immediately make my way to her and sit on the ground facing her, brushing her hair out of her face.

"Babe what's wrong?" I ask as she sits up and i wipe her tears away. "It's nothing" bullshit. "I know somethings hurting you and I want to help you" I sit down next to her and she hugs me to death. Don't get me wrong, I love her hugs.

"Aubrey is making me go out with her tomorrow and making me dumb you so that she can date me" Em tells me and I pull away from her to see if she was lying or not. She wasn't.

"You mean that bitch from your cheer team?" She just nods her head. "Are you going?" I ask her and she looks shocked. "Of course I wouldn't but I told her I would since she's threatening me" she whispers the last part.

"What's she saying?" I hold her hand and rub small circles on it. "She will leak some things of me..." I sigh. I knew what they were and I know damn well she wouldn't want that online.

"What time are you guys hanging out?" "1, we're going to the movies" I nod my head and smirk. "I don't like that look Ari" she tells me and I smile and kiss her cheek. "I got a plan" I tell her it, and she agrees. "No one messes with you and if they do, they are going through me" "and us" I turn around and see my other friends.

"You see, Eli is a football playing who could literally fuck the shit out of Aubrey" I say and I look over and see Kehlani a bit made. "That's not what I meant" I immediately say after and she nods. "Then you have Key and Ollie, they will literally kill anyone for you" they all nod their heads.

"And you have your cousin, Chris. He will literally fight the bitch" Em laughs at that because it's true. He will. He won't even look back. "Thanks babe" she hugs me. "Group hug!!" Ollie says and then we feel other bodies hugging us.

Emerson's pov

We talked for a bit and people started to leave while congratulating Eli. Then Chris came up to me. "You'll be okay here?" He asks me. "Yes" he doesn't look sure. "I promise I'll call you if I need anything" I tell him and he hugs me. "Even if you need a hug" he tells me and I laugh. "Sure"

He leaves and now it's the twins family plus Key, Ollie and I. "So what do you kids have plan tomorrow?" Robbie asks us. "Well, Em and I are going to the movies and I have no idea with those are doing" Ari says.

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