The Game

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Lizzie's pov

For 8 years, we were pretty good at hiding our kids identity. No one know who they were, well except some of our friends and family. But today, that will all change...

But first, the kids went to their games with their dates and they told us it was really fun and that they got cotton candy after, which it's their favourite.

Anyways, today is Friday and the kids don't have school, so Robbie thought it would be a good idea to bring the kids out to a baseball game with Chris. Robbie wants me to take a day off and hang out with Scarlett, so I guess that's what I'm doing today.

"Hey babe, Chris will be coming soon with Scarlett" Robbie said walking in our room as I was putting on a hoodie.

"Okay" i said and Robbie walked over to me and hugged me from behind. We stood like that for a while until I heard some shouting from downstairs.

Robbie and I looked at each other then ran downstairs to see what was going on.

Ariana's pov

I heard Sage bark at the window so I looked to see who it was. It was Chris and Scarlett...holding hands? "I ship" Eli said beside me and I agreed.

I opened the door and Sage ran over to them licking them and jumping up. "Hey guys" i said opening the door so that they can come in.

"You ready for the baseball game?!" Chris said walking in the house with a huge smile. We know how much he likes baseball.

"Yeah! Omg dad we will have the good seats too!" Eli shouted which made Chris get excited too.

"Omg awesome! Then we can eat as much food as we want!" Chris said practically shouting in the house and I looked over at Scarlett who was rolling her eyes.

"Boys am i right?" Scarlett said closing the door behind her and walking to the kitchen and I followed her.

"Aren't you dating one of them?" I smirked at her and she sighed. I laughed then Scarlett joined after.

We could still hear Chris and Eli yelling about the game and debating on who's going to win. "Guys shut up before I smack you across the face!" I yelled from the kitchen.

Then I heard mom and dads footsteps coming down the stairs. "Why all the shouting?" Dad asked looking around. "Oh their here" dad said and we all laughed.

We all talked until it was time to go to the baseball game.

Robbie's pov

"You lids ready?" I asked them as we walked into the baseball area (I don't know what it's called lmao).

"More than ready" they all said and we went to our seats and waited for it to start.

Finally the game started and we cheered for our team. We got some food and drinks. The game finally ended and our team won.

We were walking back to the car, until Ariana asked Chris to give her a piggy back which he happily accepted.

We were almost to the car, until Chris nudge me on the side and pointed to where people were taking pictures and videos of us.

"Damn it" i whispered so that only Chris could hear.

Ariana's pov

"Damn it" I heard dad said and I looked at where he was looking at. People where taking pictures of us and probably videos too.

I jumped down from Chris and walked beside Eli. Chris was to my right, Eli to my left and dad was beside Eli.

I looked over at Eli and he looked worried. I grabbed hold of his hand and continued walking.

"Put these on" dad said handing his hat to Eli and Chris handing his hat to me. It was kinda big but we made due.

We were almost for the car when people were crowding us and yelling questions.

'Who's kids are these?'
'Are these Robbie and Lizzie's kids?'
'How long have you guys been hiding them?'
'How old are they?'
Who's their parents?'
'What's their names?'
'Chris, how's you and Scarlett?'

Questions like that.

Dad and Chris gently pushed the people away so that we can into the car. We finally did, so did dad and Chris.

We were about to take the hats off until Chris turned around. "Keep them on until we're out of their sights" he said and we nodded so we kept them.

We finally made it to our house and apparently we still had our hats on which we forgot to take off. We walked inside the house, and I heard mom and Scarlett laughing at something.

"Whats going on here?" I asked them as I plopped down to them.

"Nothing" they looked at each other and laughed again. I swear they are five years old.

I sat there not paying any attention until Chris ran into the room with dad and Eli following him. "Guys turn the tv on right now!" He said snatching the remote from my hand.

"I like how he says for us to turn the tv on, but he snatched the remote from my hands" I said. "That makes so much sense" i rolled my eyes and Eli sat down beside me waiting for what's so important.

Chris finally turned the tv on, and we saw pictures of us at the baseball game.

"People think that these two kids are Robbie and Lizzie's but we aren't sure yet. Fans have been telling us that they are. Now, let's look at this clip" the news lady said and there was clip of us at the game when I was on Chris's back. Then another clip of mom and dad dropping us off at the basketball game.

"After watching these videos, we definitely know they are their kids" she said then Chris turned the tv off.

"Well..." I said laughed nervously.

What's going to happen next? Hehehe

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