Elevator Kiss

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Ariana's pov

Rose and I were deciding on nicknames for her while Scarlett was downstairs talking on the phone to see if we could go visit Eli and Chris was doing... I don't know actually.

"How about Bambie?" I ask her and she thinks for a bit.


"Okay then how about Diva?" She glares at me and I know that that's not the one. "Drama queen? Goof? Brat?" I look at her and she doesn't look pleased.

"How about you just call me Rosie, Rosy Posy or princess Rose" she smiles and I think for a bit.

"I'm calling you Rosie" she giggles. "Do I get a nickname?" I ask her and she does her thinking face.

"How about Smiley, Bubbles, Angel or Jelly Bean?" she tells me. Damn those are... different.

"Well what do you want to call me?" I ask her.

"Smiley since you always smile"

"Aww thanks Rosie" I hug her.

"Your welcome Smiley" she laughs and runs downstairs. I then follow her just at a slower pass. This child is too energetic it's scary.

I walk in the living room and i see Rose with a pirate hat on her head and those fake ropes. I don't know how she got that so fast. "You stole the treasure so we have to kidnap you and bring you back to the ship to feed you to the sharks!" She jumps on Chris who's laying on the floor while Dodger is licking his face.

"We'll see about that" Chris gets up and picks Rose up and does the Airplane around the living room.

"Smiley help me tie him up!" She says still in the air and I run to the ropes and Chris gently sets her down and we immediately tie his hands up.

"Take him to the ship!" She points to the couch with her fake sword in her hand. How tf did she get a fake sword that fast?

"Aye aye Captain" I grab Chris and gently place him on the couch. Dodging jumping on him.

"WE GOT THE TREASURE!" Rose shouts while jumping on the couch next to Chris.

"Rose quiet down!" Scarlett's shout from the other room and continues to talk on the phone.

"WE ARE GOING TO BE RICH!" She shouts without listening to a single word her mother said. "Now push him off the couch and into the water" she tells me and I smile. But then I got an idea.

I want to send this to everyone so I set my phone and record this. "Yes Captain" I smirk and I'm ready to push Chris off the couch.

"Wait the pillows" Rose runs off and gets some and places them of the floor. "NOW TIME TO FEED THE SHARKS!" She yells while I push Chris on the floor.

This is funny because Chris can't do anything about it. It's funny too because he just goes with it. He is a child anyways. "Mommy can we go to the hospital now" Rose runs off leaving us here.

"She really can switch fast" i help Chris up and stop my phone from recording.

"She really is a mini Scarlett" he says while I help him untie the rope.

"Come on let's go to the hospital to see Eli" Scarlett walks in with Rose on her back.

"Yeah off to the hospital!" Rose tries to climb down but Scarlett's stops her.

"You need to take a chill pill if you want to go" Scar says holding an imaginary pill and Rose takes it and 'swallows' it. "Are you chill now?"

"Yes" Scar sets her down and Rose goes to put her shoes and jacket.

"This child is crazy" I tell her while walking past her and putting my shoes and jacket on.

"Tell me about it" she says and we get ready.

The drive there was a bit more relax since Rose took a 'chill pill'. We soon get there and Chris asks the lady working there to know where Eli's room is. "Room 216" she says and we start walking.

"Can I get a snack with Smiley?" Rose asks her mom.

"Who's Smiley?" She asks her daughter.

"Ariana duh" she points to me and I laugh.

"You really are sassy" scar tells her while giving her 10$.

"Yeah she gets that from you" Chris whispers and I swear if looks could kill, he'd be dead right now.

"Just stay close to Smiley" she tells her and she runs up to me and dies grabbing hands so that I can pick her up.

"See you two trouble makers later" Chris says while walking with Scarlett to the room.

We start walking and we have to go in an elevator to get to the snack bar. Yes it's an actual snack bar. It's like a bar but instead of the alcohol it's candy and food and stuff.

"Can I push the button?" Rose asks while she's still in my arms.

"Yes you can. Number 2" I lean forward so that she press it.

We wait and I get an idea. "Her Rosie?" I look at her and she looks at me.

"Yes Smiley?" She smiles at me and pokes my dimples.

"Wanna take a picture?" I ask her and her eyes light it.

"Yes!" She squirms in my arms and it's hard for me to hold her. She's too energetic.

"Okay hold still" I pull out my phone and snap some pictures. "Aww cute" I look at them and I chose the best one and send it to Scarlett.

I text her 'Elevator Kiss' and send her the photo then I post it on my Instagram

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I text her 'Elevator Kiss' and send her the photo then I post it on my Instagram. Scarlett doesn't mind only if I send her the photo first.

"Okay snack time!" We get off and walk towards the bar.

"Can I get some chips?" She looks at me and back to the chips.

"Yeah" I hand the kind lady the money and tell that she wants ships.

"Do you want something?" Rose asks me as the lady hands her the chips.

"I'm good thanks Rosie" the lady hands back the change and we walk away.

"I can share with you" she whispers in my ear and lays her head on my shoulder as we walk back and to the room where Eli's in.

We go in the elevator and there's a mirror and I look and see Rose asleep. She drops her chips so I gently bend down to grab them. "Love you Smiley" I hear her say.

"Love you too Rosie"


Rose is actually crazy

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