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Ariana's pov

"Ariana! Elijah!" I heard a little voice yell coming towards us.

"Get ready" Scarlett whispered to us.

"Hey Rosebud" I hugged her than she hugged Eli.

"Today, daddy bought me some cotton candy, then we went to the zoo..." she was blabbering on and on about her day which I kinda toned out. "Do you want some?" I looked down and saw Rose was carrying a bucket of cotton candy.

"Um yeah sure" she handed me a piece.

"Do you want some Eli?" She asked giving him puppy eyes.

"Yeah of course" he said grabbing some and thanking her.

"Momma, can they sleepover?" Rose was getting a bit to excited.

"They have school tomorrow and so do you" Scarlett said holding Rose in her arms.

"Pleasseeeeeeee" She begged and I just laughed.

"I guess I could ask your parents" Scarlett said putting Rose down. "I'll be back" she went to her office to call our parents.

"Soooooo" Eli started off walking towards him.

"Does that black widow suit slip on and off easily?" I finished what Eli was going to say.

"Um" Chris said. He looked he was stressing out trying to figure out an answer.

"Hahah we're playing with you" Eli laughed holding on to me so that he doesn't fall on the ground.

"No but seriously, if you break her heart then you will have to deal with us" i pointed at me and Eli, who was on the ground by now.

"Trust me, I won't be breaking her heart" he reassured us and we nodded glaring at him.

"Okay your parents said that you guys can sleepover but you can't stay up late" Scarlett said walking back to where we were all standing.

"Can Ari sleep in my bed? With me?" Rose came out of nowhere almost running into me.

"Um only if Ari wants to but we do have other rooms" Chris said.

"We?" Scarlett smirked at him and we laughed.

"I ship" Eli whispered to me and I agreed.

"Um I can stay with Rose if she really wants me to" I said while Rose dragged me into her room.

Elijah's pov

"I'll be in the movie room" I said as I grabbed an apple and a water bottle.

"Okay don't stay there for to long" Scarlett said. "Supper will be ready soon" I nodded and went to the movie room and I played Star Wars because why not.

~time skip after supper~


We all watch a movie that Rose chose than we went up to bed.

"Rose don't annoy her" I said closing the door to Rose's room.

Rose's pov

"Do I annoy you?" I looked down after mom closed the door.

"Of course you don't" Ari told me and hugged me. "Let's go to bed now"

We got ready and went to bed. Rose likes to have a night light on which was adorable. I laid there for a while until I finally got tired.

The next morning

I woke up to Rose kicking me in the face. "Ouch" I said getting up and I notice that her head was where her feet are supposed to be and the feet are where her head is suppose to be.

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