Time Skip

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Ariana's pov

So this weekend was kinda crazy. Mom and dad told the world about us and we're still blowing up on social media. Even more now. Anyways, after that, dad decided that we should go and visit Scarlett who was shooting a movie with Chris Evans. You know what that means. Wink wink.

So right now, Eli and I are packing our bags. We both decided that we would twin the whole trip. Which means we would the same colour or same kind of style.

I was calmly packing some stuff in my suitcase until I felt this sharp pain in my stomach. I didn't think too much of it until I felt something liquid in my pants (Lmao sorry if this is weird just go with it💗).

I think my time has come. To an end. Just kidding. I knew what was happening so I ran to my bathroom and got some supplies out and see what I wanted to use for the first time.

Mom already has set me up with everything that I will be needing for the future. That includes condoms. That actually so embarrassing.

"Okay okay breath" I said getting the stuff ready.

~time skip~

After I did my stuff, my stomach still hurt like a demon was scratching the inside of my stomach. So i decide to go look for some Advil.

"What are you looking for?" Eli asked seeing me looking threw mom and dads cabinet with medicine.

"Some Advil" I said closing the cabinet since I couldn't find it. I decide to look in their other little cabinets.

"Here let me help you" Eli said looking with me. "Why does mom have these?" He took out a box from the cabinet.

"I don't know" I kept looking. "Wait" I said finally realizing.

"Let's not jump to conclusions" Eli said also knowing. "Oh found some" he said pulling some Advil and handing me some.

"Thanks" i took them and headed for the kitchen to get some water.

Lizzie's pov

Robbie and I were in the kitchen making some cookies while the kids went and packed.

I was mixing the batter together when Robbie poured some flower in it. "Oops" he said went he notice that most of it went on my face.

"I just did my makeup!" I whined trying to get the flower off of my face while robbie just laughed. "You think this is funny" i smirked and I noticed that he backed away.

"Lizzie, put that down" he said still backing away and I grabbed a hand full of flower and laughed. "Don't you dare! I'll give you anything you want" he pleaded.

I just laughed. "I already have everything I want silly" I said throwing the flower on him.

"Oh it's on" he said getting some flower and throwing it at me.

Let's just say this went on for a while until I heard someone clear their throat.

"Um what are you doing?" I heard Ariana say and I immediately started to laugh. "You kids are five year olds" she said going to get some water making sure not step in the mess we made.

I then felt like I needed to throw up but I tried keeping it down until Ari leaves. "Liz?" Robbie said holding my face in his hands. "You okay" he asked and I shook my head.

"I think I'm going to throw up" I said running to our bathroom barely making it.

Ariana's pov

Mom just said that she needed to throw up so she ran to her room. "Is mom okay?" I ask dad as he started to follow her.

"Yeah she's okay" he said leaving me in the kitchen.

*ding dong* I heard the doorbell and then Eli's footsteps running down the stairs. "I got it!" Eli shouted.

"No I got it" I said running towards the door. "Ouch" I said as Eli and I ran into each other.

"I said I wanted to open the door" Eli held onto his arm.

"Yeah but it's my turn" I said getting up as Eli did the same thing.

*knock knock* i looked over at Eli and smirked. "Ugh move" Eli said pushing me away from the door but I quickly pulled him back.

"I said it was my turn" I told him as I opened the door. "Omg it's been so long" I said junking into their arms.

"Who is it?" I heard Eli say behind me. "Oh hey MK and Ash" he said giving them a hug then dragging them both into the living room.

"Where's your parents?" MK asked us as we sat down. I sat in my beanbag chair and Eli in his. The twins sat on the couch sprawled out.

"Moms throwing up so dad went to help her" I told them like it was nothing but I notice their face. They had a concerned but excited expression.

"What's in the bags?" Eli said and I rolled my eyes.

"Don't be rude" I kicked him in the leg and the twins just laughed.

"We designed some clothes just for you two" Ashley said getting Eli's outfit from her bag.

"And we want you to be a photo shoot for the new design" MK said getting mine out and they both have it to us.

"No way!" I said looking at it. (You will know what it looks like later). "Thanks guys" i said gently putting it down and hugging them. Eli doing the same thing.

We talked for a bit then dad walked in with mom. "You guys ready to leave?" He asked us as put moms and his suitcase at the front door.

"We're leaving now?!" I said getting up a bit too fast.

"Careful" Ash said steadying me.

"Yes we're leaving now" mom said looking a bit pale.

"Okay let us say bye first" Eli said turning to the twins and saying goodbye as they laughed. "What?"

"They're coming with us" mom said laughing a little then immediately stopped.

"You okay?" I asked and she nodded her head. "Where's your stuff?" I asked the twins.

"Already at the airport" they both said at the same time. Twins am i right?

"Well then let's get going" Eli and I said at the same time and ran upstairs to get our bags.

Hehehehehehheehehehehehhehehehehehhehehehehehheheh I'm bored. Anyways do you guys have any suggestions.

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