Ariana + Emerson? Pt. 2

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This chapter will be really short soo sorry

Emerson's pov

"No i won't. Cutie" she laughed and I frowned. "Don't be sad" she told me and the next thing I know...

I feel some soft lips on mine and I knew immediately is was Ariana's.

"Ewww I'm right here" we heard Eli gag and we pulled away.

I look over to Ariana and I see her smiling at me. I knew damn well I was blushing. "Okay let's go back" Eli said getting up.

I was getting up but Ariana pulled me down and I landed on her lap. "One more" she told me and she kissed me.

This time, it was a but more heated. "Ugh guys! Get a room" Eli said and we pulled away.

"Trust me, we will" Ariana smirked and I swear if I had water in my mouth, I'd be chocking on that for days.

We sat there looking into each other's eyes until we heard Eli say. "Ugh I'm leaving"

I kissed check and got up from her lap. "Come on" I took out my hand for her an she gladly took it.

"Piggy back?" She asked me and I nodded. I stopped walking for her so that she can jump on my back.

"Anything else?" I ask her just in case she needs something else.

"Nope" I nodded my head and started walking back to where the others were. I felt her soft lips on my cheek and I laughed.

I'm glad that I got to meet her. She's perfect in every way it's scary.

Anyways for the rest of the day, we just chilled in our rooms and Eli wouldn't stop bugging us about the kiss.

We had to throw couple of pillows at him to shut him up.

But it was worth it.

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