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POV Austin.
Her phone is on the floor. I pick it up and it is unlocked. I look through the texts. I do not see love in any of them. I look further back. He called her fat. Hell no. I copied his number, and sat her phone on the table.
She comes back to the room.
A: Have you had dinner?
C: I have not.
A: Let's go eat.
I take her to Olive Garden, then we go for drinks. She is funny. She asks about me and my family. She asked what instruments I play. She asked questions about me. I really like her.

This has to be Charlotte that stepped between myself and the guy that was about to kick me.

We stopped at a club.
A : Sorry, I have to make an appearance.
C: Thanks for dinner.
She hugged me and began to walk away. I pulled her back.
A: Where are you going? You're coming with me. Please.
C: I don't really drink.
A: You're ok.
She laughed.
A: I promise I will not let anything happen. Please.
I give her a pouty face.
She comes into the club. We went to the bar.
A: What do you want to drink?
C: Water.
A: No.
C: Sprite?
A: Come on loosen up. I will behave, I promise.
C: Coke.
A: She will have Rose Wine.
C: Pina Colada?
A: Bud light. You don't like wine?
C: At home, yes.
A: What does it do to you?
C: I'm not going to tell you.
I laugh at her.
C: What does Bud Light do to you?
A: Not much really. Come dance with me. Please.
She finished her drink and I ordered her another and a few shots.
She smiled as I led her to the dance floor.
She fits perfectly in my arms. She has to be at least a foot shorter than me.
The song ends and we go back to our seats. We both do a shot.
C: What is that?
A: Vodka.
She finished her drink. The waiter comes back.
A: I want 2 bud lights.
I point at her.
C: Jack and coke.
This is about to get interesting.
A: How long are you here for?
C: My flight leaves in a couple of hours. I have to get home.
A: That stinks. Stay..
C: I have to go home to take care of my children.
A: Where is their dad? Is he in their life?
She was a little tipsy so I knew her answer would be unfiltered.
C: Yes, but I am the one who cares for them. I have to pick our youngest up on the way home.
A: He can't let you have a night?
C: He doesn't even change his diaper.

I let it go, but I am pissed it sounds more like a servitude than a relationship.
Our drinks come. I had ordered shots of Jack. She didn't even make a face when she drank them.
A: What do you do for a living?
C: I'm a teacher.
A: Really? What grade?
C: Kindergarten.
A: You must have patience.
C: I do.
She laughs.
C: It's like herding cats some days, but most days are just amazing.
C: Why am I telling you all of this?
A: You like me.
C: I do really like you. It's so hard not to jump you right now.
A: What?
C: Did I say that out loud?
I laughed a little, but didn't pay attention to her.
A: Come here.
I wrap my arms around her and pick her up so I can whisper in her ear without leaning.
A: I want to make you mine forever.
She looked at me funny.
C: You're drunk.
A: Baby, I'm sober. You're drunk.
C: Yes I ams.
Her phone rang and I looked at it. It was Ken. She answered and accidentally put it on speaker.
K: I need Allen's meds.
C: On the dresser.
K: Are you almost home?
C: No, the flight leaves in an hour.
K: You're not going anywhere else for a while. Understand?
C: Yes.

That's it.

A: Break up with him.
C: I can't. It's his house. We aren't married.
A: You're not?
C: He won't marry me. We've been engaged for 15 years.
A: I'll buy a house where do you want to live?
C: You don't have to do that.
A: I want to. Leave him and be mine. Please.
C: You don't even know me.
A: I have met you before. We were young. There was a guy giving me shit about my hair. He pushed me to the ground. He started to kick me. You walked over to him and stood between us. He finally walked away. You helped me up and hugged me. I told you I would find you and make you mine.
C: That was you?
A: Yes.
C: He is still an asshole. I'm sorry he did that to you.
She hugged me and cried.
A: I'll take you to your flight.
C: I missed my flight.
A: Come stay with me I will sleep on the couch.
C: I can find a cheap place to stay for the night.
A: No, I got you drunk. I have to be a gentleman and take care of you.
She shook her head.
C: Ken is going to lose his shit.

Her phone rang. It was Ken.
K: We need milk.
C: I missed my flight. I'm sorry. I'll catch another.
K: Just don't come home.

She broke. I sent Pat for her things.

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