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The twins are 2 now.  
We woke up for breakfast. We ate.  The kids got up. 
We fed everyone Thomas came in after.

A: Come with me princess.

She looked at me, and followed.
We got to my studio.

A:I have some lyrics I want to hear you sing.
C: I'm not a singer.
A: Please.
C: It's just another night.  We flowing out the spot. We'll get shut down our shits to hot.
I play it back.
C: That isn't me.
A: Yes princess it is.
She laughs.
A: Come here, what do you think about this?
I pull her into my lap.
C: What is this song about? Can I hear you sing it through once?
A: Yes!
I play and sing it through once.
C: Can you sing the chorus one more time?
She looks at me apologetically.
A: Yes. Thank you.
C: For what I'm sure I'm being a nuisance at the moment.
A: You are not.
I will play the chorus one more time.
C: Let's try it.
We sang it and recorded it on the first try.
A: Have you done this before?
She laughs.
C: I am great at mimicking behavior.
I laughed at her.
A: Well, you just saved us the rest of the day.  What do you want to do now?
C: Will you sing something?
A: What would you like for me to sing?
C: Freak on a Leash.
I died laughing.
C: I'm sorry you don't have to.
A: I forgot you listened to Korn baby. I'm sorry.  You just don't... Well... your looks are deceiving when it comes to your taste in music.
She laughed.
C: Because I'm platinum blonde I can't listen to Korn?
A: Do most of their fans look like you, princess?
C: Never mind.
I sang it to her.  When I was finished.  She played it back.
A: You recorded it?
C: Yes I did.  I've always wanted to hear you cover Korn. Sorry.  I'm keeping it.
I laughed at her.
C: How do I send it?
I sent it to her. She kissed me and smiled.
C: Thank you. I love you.
A: I love you too. 
I make sure the booth is turned off, and lock the door. 
A: Now I get to pick.
I pulled her into the booth.
A: Knees princess.
She does and opens her mouth.  I unzipped my pants and put my cock into her mouth. She sucks then deepthroats it.  I grabbed the back of her head and pushed deeper. She never gagged.  I came in her mouth.
I pulled her to her feet.  I pull her pants off.
A: No panties today?
C: No.
A: Good girl.
I sink my cock into her.  I pound her hard.  I pull out and lube my cock. I slid into her ass. I pound her ass hard.  She is screaming in pleasure. She raises her ass to meet me with every thrust. I cum in her ass.  I pull out, and kiss her hard. We clean up. We help get the twins down for their nap.  Then we went out for lunch. 

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