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The following day we left before anyone else was awake. When the jet landed she looked at me and laughed.

A: What now?
C: You surprised me.
A: Is that good?
C: Yes.
A: Let's check-in.

We are staying at the Bellagio Las Vegas.
We have an appointment at Rob Ruckus. I want to get her name on my ring finger. I'm not sure how it will go.  I did a video consultation with him. I had him design a ring finger tattoo for her too.  I'm hoping she will go for it. We have 30 minutes to get there.
We check in and they take our things to our room. She pulls me onto the bed.

A: Princess I'm hungry; let's grab something fast. 

We walked to a food truck.  We are walking while we are eating.

A: Look he designs some cool shit.  Let's have a look.
C: Ok.  I loved watching him on Bad ink.
R: WTF are you doing Austin.
A: Just looking.
R: Hi, I'm Rob.
C: I'm Charlotte. It's great to meet you.
R: Austin Tx and Charlotte NC. This is funny.
We both laugh.
R: Am I tattooing both or one of what?
A: I want a wedding band with her name in it.
Do you want a tattoo princess?
C: IDK.  I really like the wedding band idea.
A: That would be awesome.
R: So, Princess Charlotte, what do you want?
A: Rob I'm going to be a respectful ass here, but I'm the only one that calls her princess.
R: Alright. Sorry.
A: That's ok. Just wanted to set that boundary.
I have a confession.  I already talked to Rob this week and he has some designs if you want to look.
C: Yes!
R: Here they are. Austin's will cover his whole finger. It has beautiful details. 
C: Snap dragons. Flamingos. My name. This is beautiful.
R: Thank you.  He sent a list of things you liked so? I added them. Here are my designs for you. They are smaller. How many tattoos do you have?
C: Zero.
R: Ok. He didn't tell me that. Here is your other one we talked about Austin. I'm going to speak with her while you look at these.
A: OK.  Not too far.
R: Blink twice if he is holding you hostage. I hear her laugh.

I see her look at the designs he is explaining how long it will take for each and that the darker bolder ones will be more painful.

C: I love this one.
R: We can do this.  How long are you here for? C:We leave Sunday.
R: If it is too much for you we can break it into two sessions.
C: Ok
She walks over to me.
C:What is this other tattoo?
A: It's the kids' names.
C: They are amazing.
A: He is good.
C: You have to cover some of your tattoos to get this one. Are you ok with that?  You don't have to do this isn't something you want.
A: Really?
C:Yes Austin.  I know you love me.
A: I want this.
C: Ok.
A: It's going to take a while.  I know you have never been to Vegas, go have some fun.  I text you when it's your turn.
C: Ok.
A: Alex, keep her out of trouble. Princess here, go have fun.

I handed her 100,000 in cash. She starts shaking her head and tries to hand some back.

A: Go have fun.
R: Why did she roll her eyes?
A: She is weird about money.
R: Not what you are used to.
A: Nothing about her is what I was used to.  I wouldn't have it anyother way.

POV Charlotte.
I put the cash in my purse.
C: Alex I don't know where I'm going.
A: What would you like to do ma'am?
C: Shop.
A: Come with me then.

We are at the Forum Shops.

A: What clothes do you like? I know Mr. Post had me pick up Jimmy Choo for you. It's over here.
A: Right here ma'am.

I find my size and start a stack of clothing.  I grab shoes to match dresses and tops. I try everything on. I grab a sales associate to start a stack of clothing that I want.

SA: You know these are not knock offs right?
C: Well aware. Thank you.
SA: These are not on sale.
C: I know. Thank you for your concern.  I can afford what I am putting here thank you.
SA: You need to make a deposit.
C: Did they make a deposit to try on clothing?
SA: No, but you just don't look like the type that.
Alex: You need to take a few steps back you are standing too close to Mrs.
C: Are you the manager?
SA: No, but I will get him for you.
C: Thank you.

The manager approaches me, with the sales associate beside him. He was at a benefit show Austin did.

M: Good morning Ma'am how may I help you today.
C: Your sales associate said I need to make a deposit to take clothes off the rack.
M: She told you what? I will be right back to personally take care of you.
M: What would you like me to hold for you?
C: These.  I'm going to look at bags.
M: Yes Ma'am.

I find a few bags I like and I find a couple of belts and some earrings. I go to check out. The manager takes me to a back register, and rings me up.

M: That will be 50,000.

I hand him cash.

M: Where are you staying?
C: Bellagio.
M: I can have these delivered.
C: That would be great.
M: Thank you
Austin texted me it's almost my turn, in the chair.
C: Time to head back Alex.

POV Austin
We are finishing up with my tattoo.
I text Charlotte.

Charlotte and Alex walk back into the tattoo parlor.
She goes back.

A: I don't hear screaming or crying.  I also. Don't see bags.  What did she do?
Alex: Shopped.  It's being delivered.
A: Where did she go?
Alex: Jimmy Choo. You need to talk to her about letting me do my job.  I'm not James.
A: What happened?
Alex: A salesperson was giving her shit saying she needed to put a deposit down to get clothes held off the rack.  She got too close to her.  She isn't going back to the hospital on my watch Austin.
A: She did what?

I walk to the back room.

A: How are you doing?
C: I'm fine.
R: She has a higher pain tolerance than you.
A: We'll be back in around an hour.
C: OK, have fun.

A: Come on Alex.  Dale can stay with her.
I grabbed a tattoo cover kit from the shelf.  I hand Dale the price tag.  I put my hat on and we went to Jimmy Choo.

When we walk in, I start looking at clothes that are her size.

SG: Can I help you?
A: Yes.  I need to start a stack of clothing.
SG: You need to put down a deposit.
A: Is that policy?
SG: For certain types of people it is.  Most can't afford to shop here.
A: Go get your manager now.
SG: He will tell you the same thing.
A: Good. Go. Get. Him.

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