I'm no good at goodbyes.

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The next morning we were all sitting at the table.  I cooked breakfast.
S: So do the kids go both weeks?
C: Their last day is next Wednesday.
A: Why do you have to go for 2 days then?
C: I have to close my classroom.
A: How do you do that?
C: I have to take inventory, pack my stuff up, and move the furniture to one side of the room.
A: No you are not.
I put my hand on her bump.
A: I will move and load everything.
C: You'll need help Austin I can help.
I kick Smitty under the table.
S: I'll be back through Wednesday.  I have to help Austin with his album. You're not lifting shit.
C: Fine.
Smitty left for Atlanta and we picked the boys up.

K: Goodluck they are wound up.
C: Load up.
The boys got in and buckled up.
We go home and swim. 
Allen: Austin
A: Yea buddy.
Allen: There is something moving in mommy's belly. 
A: Come here princess. Come here Andrew.
Mommy has babies in her belly.  You are going to have a little brother and a little sister.
Both boys started to scream with excitement. 
We all go to bed in preparation for the next day.

Smitty came back Wednesday night. 
A: I owe you and I will pay you thank you.
S: You're welcome.
We woke up the next morning.  We all get into the raptor. We make it to the school Charlotte opens the door and we bring in boxes.  She has packed up a lot of her stuff, but hasn't moved it.
I see what she has done and I look at her.
A: Come here princess.
She walks over to me. I wrap my arms around her, hold her to my chest, and kiss her forehead.
A: Thank you.
C: For what?
A: Not lifting this shit. I worry about you and our babies.
C: I love you.
S: Ewww...
She stays to point out what goes into the truck.  We start loading everything in the back.

POV Charlotte
There is a knock on the door. Jazz and her grandmother come in.
J: Ms. Parker.
C: Jazz baby, did you miss me already?
Her grandmother Belle comes in.
B: She had to see you. 
Smitty comes back in.
Aunt Belle, what are you doing here?
B: Jazz had to see her teacher. She loves her so much. What are you doing?
S: Helping her pack up.
B: Are these your babies?
S: What are you talking about?
B : She says she's not, but she is pregnant with twins. 
S: No, she is a friend.
B: I haven't seen you work this hard for a girl that is just a friend before.  Are they his? Jeffrey she is an amazing girl if they are you better...
Smitty is laughing.
Austin comes back in.
A: Aunt Belle.  Have you met my beautiful wife Charlotte?
B: Yes she is amazing.  We love her.  I might have to bring Jazz over.
C: Please do.  I didn't know this was your cousin Jeffery. 
B: Austin, are these you babies?
A: Yes Aunt Belle.  We haven't told many people. 
B: She didn't tell me.
S: She is a witch. That's how she knows.
B: Boy, I still will beat the dog shit out of you.
S: Yes ma'am.
A: They are due in 2 months.  We are excited.
B: You won't be back next year?
C: No ma'am.
B: Jazz will have to see you.
C: Please bring her.
A: I'm surprised she hasn't brought her home with her.  She talks about how amazing she is all the time.  You can come over sometime this summer.
J: Please. 
S: Charlotte how do you make her mind?
C: She is a good kid, stop it.
S: Hehe.
B: Congratulations.
A/C: Thank you!

The principal came down to say her goodbyes. Smitty and Austin had taken another load to the truck.

P: I'm going to miss you.  Come back anytime.  Really.  If you want to come back to work full time/ part time/ sub just to say hi. 
C: Thank you so much. I truly love it here.
P: We have loved you being here too.

Austin and Smitty walk back into the room.
C: This is my husband Austin and our friend Jeffery.
They close the door.
P: You married Post Malone.
C: Yes.
P: And you finished the year out?
A: I have tried to get her to quit since September.  I bought her a house and anything she wants, but she said she couldn't do that to the students.
P: You married a multimillionaire and you still came to work?
C: Yes ma'am.
P: Please anytime you need anything call me.  C:Thank you for that.
C: I really do love it here.
P: You are Mrs. Post. You can say no, but can I get a picture with Austin and Jeffery.
A/S: YES!!
C:I'll take it.
Charlotte's bump was showing.
P: Are you ok?
A: She is pregnant with twins.
P: Congratulations!! And she only took 3 days off. That is dedication! Anything you need. I mean it.

POV Austin
We finished loading her classroom up.
She is crying.
A: Are you ok?
C: Yes.

Smitty's phone rings and he hands it to Austin.

Belle: Austin you need to get them out of here before dark.
A: Relax, we are fine.
C: Really drive Austin we need to be out of here before dark. 
B: Drive now.
A: Yes ma'am.

I gave the phone back to Smitty, and I drove.

A: Why did we need to get out of there before dark?
C: The school is pretty safe, but some of those kids live in hell.  There are drive-by shootings in some areas. Not all areas.  One student woke up and had a bullet hole above his headboard.
A: Smitty, your aunt is moving.
S: She won't, I tried to buy her a house.

We get home. 
Smitty and I unload the truck as Charlotte finishes cooking dinner.
After we eat. I notice Charlotte is quiet.
She's crying.
A: What's wrong princess?
C: I can't get my shoes off.  My feet have swollen so bad.  It hurts.
I grab her foot.
A: Smitty do you have any ideas?
S: Cold water. Elevate. I'm tired. I'm going to the guest house.  If that doesn't work, call me.
A: Ok.

I run a cold water foot soak and prop her legs up in a chair.  I give it a minute and try taking her shoes off. Nothing. I go find scissors. I cut the shoes off of her. Her feet are pitiful.
A: Let's go princess.
She still had tears in her eyes, as I carried her to our bathroom.
I turn on the jacuzzi and help her undress.  Then I pick her up and lay her down in the jacuzzi. I undress and join her.
A: Give me your feet. I'm calling the doctor.
I rub her feet. As the jet massages her back.
C: I'll be fine. I might just have to be barefoot and pregnant the rest of the time. 
We both laughed.

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