They always say Congratulations!

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The embryos took. He implanted 1 boy and 1 girl. The ultrasound showed both were doing great.

A: Are we going to tell anyone?
C: Let's wait until the second trimester. I don't want to tell everyone then lose them and have to explain that over and over again.
A: Fair enough. I'm so excited princess.
C: I am too. I'm nervous.
A: Why?
C: Twins.
A: We will hire a nanny.
C: Ok.

A: Wake up princess.
C: Why?
A: We get to see our babies.
She gets up and takes a shower. I have been up for hours. I am so excited. She comes down. I already made breakfast.
C: I had to borrow some clothes. We have outgrown mine overnight.
She was holding her bump as she said it.
A: Anything you need. We will go shopping after the doctor.
C: Ok.

On the way we have to pull over a few times because she is sick. Once we get there they do the anatomy scan.
D: Everything is still on track. The babies look great. You however have lost weight.
C: I've been sick lately.
D: I can write you a prescription for that.
C: Thank you.

Everything was back to normal. I was home most of the time. The boys were with Ken for the weekend. Charlotte and I were on the swing.

A: Quit work.
C: I have to finish the year. I can't do that to them.
A: Ok. Then quit after this year. How much longer do you have?
C: 2 weeks.
A:Can I talk to them?
C: Yes.
A: Hey there Jr. and Anastasia. I can't wait to meet you. I love you both so much already.
I started to sing to them.

My phone rang Smitty.
S: Where are you?
A: I live in Tennessee, Smitty.
S: I know I'm in Tennessee. What is your address?
A: I sent it to him.
S: Says I'll be there in 10 minutes.
A: Ok.

C: What's going on?
A: Smitty is on his way here.
C: Ok.
The doorbell rang and we went inside

A: Hey.
S: Hey.
A: What's going on?
S: I had a gig and wanted to stop by and say hi.
What is going on over there?
A: That is my wife you were at the wedding.
S: Is she ummm I'm not supposed to ask her. I asked my aunt once and she wasn't. She beat the dog shit out of me.
A: Haha.
S: Well?
A: What?
S: Is she pregnant?
A: Yes.
Smitty jumped up and down.
A: Shh... we haven't told anyone yet.
S: You can't hide it much longer. Do you know what you are having?
A: Twins boy and a girl.
S: Shit.
A: We did it on purpose.
S: How?
A: Invetro.
S: Oh.

S: Hey Charlotte.
C: Hey Jeff. How are you? I'm so happy to see you!! What are you doing here?
S: I had a gig and decided to stop by. I have one in Atlanta Tomorrow night.
C: Stay here and rest.
S: Thanks.
C: I'm so tired I'm going to head off to bed you boys have fun.
A: I'll be back. Wait princess.

A: You are not going to bed without a kiss.
I kiss her bump twice then I grab the back of her head and give her a deep kiss.
S: Ewww.
I flipped him off.
He laughs.

We play video games around 12am. Charlotte came down the stairs.
A: Hey.
C: Hey.
A: Are you ok?
C: I just needed a Tylenol and some water.
A: Are you ok?
C: I have a headache. Goodnight.

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