Bed Rest

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I got her crocs out the next morning.
A: Try these. I had them made extra wide when we found out you were having twins.
C: They fit. Thank you.
A: I love you princess. I still called the doctor.
He wants to see you Monday morning.  You are on bed rest until then. He said to call him if you start to hurt.
C: I'm not doing bed rest.
A: Yes you are.
She has a pouty lip
A: Princess. That is what is best for you and the babies. You will rest.  I'm calling a sitter to help with the boys and to be on standby in case we have to go to the hospital.
C: Fine.
A: I don't like your tone.
C: I don't like bed rest.
A: I don't like bed rest.
I mocked her.
She threw a pillow at me. 
A: I like you mad. You're fun.
I pin her in the bed.
C: I'm hangry, let me go cook.
A: No. Breakfast in bed it is.
C: Ok. She yawns.

I go down stairs and start to cook.
S: Where is Charlotte?  I see you cut her out of the shoes. 
A: I'll order another pair.  She is on bed rest and goes back to her OB on Monday.
S: How far is she?
A: She is 32 weeks. We are hoping for 37 weeks, but might be early.
S: Who are you texting?
A: Pat.  I need a nanny.  Her doctor said to prepare for her to either have them, be in the hospital, or be on bed rest for the remainder of the pregnancy.
S: That's rough.
A: Yes it is.  She doesn't know it yet.  She already all but cussed me out this morning.
S: She's gonna whip your ass Posty.
A: If it makes her feel better I would take it.
S: You are stressed..
A: I'm just nervous.

The doorbell rings.
A: Hey Kate.
K: Where is Charlotte?
A: Bed rest until at least Monday.
K: You need a nanny.
A: I'm looking right now.
K: Good. If you don't find one in time I will help with the boys.
A: Thank you. She is mean.
K: Has she eaten?
A: No taking it up now.
K: Stop. She needs juice, her sugar is low.
I grab juice and walk up the stairs. I set the tray down and handed her the juice.  I acted like I was moving things around on the tray.  When she finished the juice I gave her the tray.
C: Thank you.  Sorry for earlier.
A: You're fine princess. 
I take my plate and begin to eat.

Pat sent 5 resumes over.  I sent them to Charlotte.
C: ?
A: Pick a nanny any nanny.
C: Austin, I like this one.
A: Pick one more.  So we can interview them.
C: These two.
A: Ok.

We interview over Skype and hire a nanny. A male nanny.
C: Hehe.
A: What is so funny?
C: Nothing.
A: I know I won't get laid for at least 6 weeks and you didn't want a hot young thing walking around.
C: Yap.
A: I only wanna be with you.  Call me you're fool.
C: Lay with me please.
I lay down and rub her bump.

The next day we went to the doctor.
D: Good news and bad news.
A: Good.
D: Babies look good. I want to try and hold them there for 3-4 more weeks. 5 would be ideal.
Bad news. Bed rest for you I'm sorry.
C: I understand.

When we get home the nanny meets us there.
C: I'm sorry I'm on bedrest. Can you follow me to our room please. He does.
A: We need to care for our 2 boys. They are at their father's W-F and every other weekend.  We might call if we need you through the night because she has gone into labor.  You may have to stay with them while we are in the hospital.  Her aunt will help you. You will pick them up from their dad at this location and time. Bring them home.  They are self entertained for the most part.  Do you have any questions?
N: No.
C: Can I take a picture to send to their dad so he will know you are ok to pick them up.
N: Sure. 
If you need anything this is Pats number he can order it and have it delivered.
N: Where will I sleep if I have to stay the night? A: There is a guest room down the hall to your right. It has a private bathroom. 

I finished the tour of the house.

A: Here are schedules, numbers, and medicines.
N: I will look over this.
He sits at the table and is reading through the binder.
Kate comes in.
K: What did the doctor say?
A: Bed rest.
K: How pissed is she?
A: Not bad today.
K: I'm going to go talk to her.
A: Wait, I want you to meet Thomas.  He is our nanny and will be with the boys while we are in the hospital.
K: I'm Kate. I will be the one you call for help.
N: Nice to meet you. Thank you.

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