I'm Bringing Sexy Back

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The doctor's office called and needed to move her follow up to sooner the doctor was going out of town.
C: Sure we can come in this week.

Thomas watched the kids.
D: Looks like you are healing well.  You will be tender here for a while. Your screener looks like you have some postpartum depression. Take these once a day. You can resume your normal activities.
A: All physical activities.
D: Mr. Post you can have sex with your wife.
A: Thank you. 
I look at her seductively.
D: Not in my office.
A: Yes sir.

A: Are you hungry? It's lunch time.
C: I am actually.
We stop and eat. I reserved a hotel room while we ate.
We leave and I pull into the parking lot. I led her to our room.
C: Austin. I....
She looks down.
A: What's wrong?
C: I look different than what you are used to.
A: You just had twins and you are still sexy as hell. Look at what you do to me.
I put her hand on my erection.
A: You are worried that I might not want you. I will always want you. I love you.  You are the mother of my children.  You are gorgeous. Never worry about if I am attracted to you, because the answer is always going to be yes. Your beauty shines from the inside out. Through and through.

I grab her and kiss her hard. I take my clothes off and then hers.
A: Shit. You look like you did before you were pregnant.  You have been working out, princess.

She turned red. I knew she had been working out.

I kiss down her body and to her pussy.  I lick her clit as she moans.  I slid one finger in. She is so tight. Shit. I slide 2 in. She moans loudly and bucks her hips.
A: Cum for me.
She does. I watch her because she is beautiful. I love watching her cum. I kissed back up to her lips and slid into her slowly. She wiggles and squirms.
A: Are you ok?
C: Yes.
I start becoming faster and harder with my thrust. She cums again pushing me over my edge.
We are both breathing heavily.
We clean up and she dresses quickly.
A: Where are you going?
C: Home?
A: Ken has the boys and Thomas is watching the twins for the night.
C: A night of just us?
A: Yes. Strip.
She does.
A: You will have to tell me if you get sore, princess. I have missed being inside of you so much.
C: I have missed it too.
A: Shower?
C: Yes.
I carry her. Turn the water on.  I push us both under the water. I kiss her hard and pin her against the wall as I pick her up. I slid her down on my throbbing cock and she wrapped her hands around my neck. She lets out a small moan against my neck.  She and I climax at the same time.
A: I love you.
C: I love you too.
We dry off and lay down.
We both drift off to sleep.
I wake up and it's time for dinner.
I pull out my phone and place an order.  I kiss the back of her neck.  Down her back.  I roll her onto her back and kiss down the front of her body.  I push into her again with soft steady thrust. She threw her head back as she came.  I followed behind her.  There was a knock at the door. I pulled my boxers on and answered. It was our food. I closed the door back. I set the food out on the table. Charlotte walked into the room in my shirt.
A: Hungry?
C: Yes.
She dropped to her knees and grabbed my cock. One touch and I am hard. She takes all of me into her mouth. She deepthroats me. I grab the table watching her.
A: Shit princess.
I cum down her throat. She stands up and sits down to eat.
A: Really?
I staggered over and sat down. We begin to eat.
After we eat. We sit on the couch and watch Netflix. Her head is in my lap.  I rub her hair as we watch TV.
We lay down and fall asleep.
I wake up and she is gone.
I hear the shower running.  I look at my phone. It's 3:00am.

She is singing.
C: Said she tired of lil' money, need a big boy
Pull up twenty inch blades like I'm Lil' Troy
Now it's everybody flockin', need a decoy
Shawty mixin' up the vodka with the LaCroix, yeah

I walk into the bathroom.

A: G-Wagon, G-Wagon, G-Wagon, G-Wagon
All the housewives pullin' up (up, up, up)
I got a lot of toys
720S bumpin' Fall Out Boy

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