Hundred Bands in my Pocket

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We woke up the next morning. Stan is knocking at our door.  I wrap a towel around me.

A: What?
S: We need more diaper cream. Elizabeth doesn't remember how to make it. I brought all the stuff.

He follows me into the room.

A: Wait here.
S: I need it now.
A: She is naked and asleep. Do you want to wake her up, because if you don't wake her pleasantly you know she will bite your head off.

He sat down.

S: I don't want to make her mad, or to see her naked.

I crawl into the bed. I kiss the back of her neck and her shoulders.

A: Princess.  Good morning.  I love you.
C: Goodmorning I love you too.
A: Your cousin needs more butt butter.

She jumped out of bed. I hand her the bag of stuff.  She walks into the bathroom and comes out in five minutes dressed and with a jar.

C: Put it in the refrigerator. It will help it set better.
S: When can we use it?
C: Now. Just put it back in the fridge.
S: Thank you.  He hugged her.
C: Your welcome cuz. You know I love you.  I give you shit, but I would do anything for you.
S: I know. Love you too.

She comes back into our room. I am dressed.

A: It's time for my tattoo.  I promise I will fuck your beautiful brains out when I get done. Love you.

I kissed her goodbye.

A: Alex is with you today.  You can come to the tattoo parlor or anything you want. Love you princess.
C: Love you too.

I text Alex.

C: Are you up?
A: Yes.
C:Are you dressed?
A: Yes.
C: Have you eaten breakfast?
A: No.
C: Me neither let's go eat.

He meets me in the hall. We are in the elevator. We don't speak. Alex usually doesn't talk to me.
We got to a diner. We sit and order food.
I'm reading a book on my phone and Alex is watching everyone and everything.

C: I'm not noticeable. You can relax a little.
A: If anything happens to you he will kill me.
C: Ok, but you are going to give yourself an ulcer.
A: Why do you do that?
C: Do what?
A: Try to make other people relax around you?
C: It helps me relax. I'm an empath, I whisper.
A: Are you drunk?
C: No I am not.  I can feel what you are feeling.  I can turn it off with strangers, but not people I care about. Alex, you need a girl.

POV Alex
I can't take it. She is right I am horny, but she doesn't know I would love to fuck her.  She is like a saint with the body of a demon. I'm so frustrated I can't do this with her right now. Our food comes and we eat.

I text James:

A: How do you guard Charlotte?
J: What?  She is easy.  Just don't let her die or get kidnapped.  She can handle herself in most situations.
A: I can't do this man.
J: What is she doing?
A: She told me I needed to relax before I gave myself an ulcer.
J: She is right.  You need to get laid to man.
A: Is everything going good there?
J: Great!

We finished eating.
A: What are we doing today?
C: I'm dropping breakfast off to Austin, Dale, and  Rob.  Then I need to get the kids some clothes.  Allen is growing too fast.
A: Ok.

I can do that.  I just can't take zipping her dresses. She was wearing a black leather corset and a thong. When she bent over I saw it was crotchless. I have thought about her ever since.

POV Austin
Rob is finishing my tattoo. Charlotte and Alex come in with breakfast.  I'm not sure what is up with Alex, but he is not comfortable around Charlotte.

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