Nothing in life is Free.

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Once we were home, everyone was back into a routine.
Alex came back from his break.
He stayed away from Charlotte for the most part. I noticed that he was coming in early and staying late. I don't mind paying overtime, but what was he doing?

Charlotte and I were laying in bed.
A: What time do you wake up?
C: 4:30 to do my workout.
A: Will you wake me up?
C: Are you ok babe?
A: Do you see Alex in the mornings?
C: Yes.
A: What is he doing?
C: He sits and "reads the newspaper."
A: What do you mean?
C: I swear he is watching me workout, Austin. He has started getting braver and coming closer. I had James remove some of the cameras he put in. Alex didn't tell you?
A: No.
C: I'm sorry, I thought he had. He put more cameras in the gym and pool area. I had them taken out. I heard him say something to James and threaten to fire him. I told him, James answers to me not him.

I laughed.

A: Please tell me about shit like this beforehand.
C: I'm sorry I should have. I was just waiting for him to cross that line.
A: He is coming in early and staying late. He hasn't said anything about you since we have been back. I told him that James was your employee and he had no say. He was a little pissed. I reminded him that I was his boss.
C: I'm not trying to cause trouble, baby, but he isn't going to speak to me that way again.
A: No, he isn't.

The next morning we both woke up. Alex was sitting in the gym.
I took the opportunity to look at the camera.

He was watching her and he did seem brave.

I just waited. I also looked at other cameras on the CCTV.

I called Kirby to ask about his contract. I wanted to make sure he couldn't say shit.

K: What is he doing?
A: He is pretty much coming in early claiming overtime to watch my wife work out. He has made comments that he shouldn't.
K: Sexual harassment. Kick him out.

I walked down the stairs.

A: Good morning princess.

She kissed me. I pulled her in to deepen the kiss.

A: You taste good.

She giggled. I ran my hands over her body.
Alex cleared his throat.

A: You're here early today.
Alex: Ya. Ummm.
A: Is everything ok?
Alex: Yes. I was just looking over footage.
A: From the gym?
Alex: I took a break.
A: Hats off to you. How early did you get here?
Alex: 4:40
A: Man. You are dedicated. How long did you have to look at footage?
Alex: I just came down.
A: I have been in your office for the past hour.
Alex: I Umm... I Umm.
A: You are inflating your time. Also, I saw you watching her workout the whole time. Where are the other cameras?
Alex: James took all of the extra ones out.
A: I am hurt and disgusted. I thought you were better than this.
Alex: She can do better than you.
A: Do you think you stand a chance with her?
Alex: You don't know her like I do.
A: I know her better. You are fired. James walk him to his office and let him get his things then escort him out the door please.
J: With pleasure.

I pulled Charlotte to me.

A: Are you ok?
C: Yes.
A: Sorry, I wanted to make sure the contracts were in place. He can't do anything. If he says anything he was fired for inflating hours and embezzlement. He was really fired because he wasn't nice to you.

She looked at the ground.

A: Hey, look at me.

She did. I put my forehead on hers.

A: Are you ok?
C: I'm just hurt Austin.

James and Alex walked back down the stairs.

Alex: Charlotte I am so sorry. Please forgive me. I don't know what came over me.

She wouldn't look at him.

He walked closer and I got between them.

Alex: Let me talk to her.
C: Talk.
A: I'm so sorry.
C: I'm going to forgive you for me. Don't come around us. Have a good life.

She turned to leave. Alex grabbed her arm and pulled her around to face him. She punched him in the face.

Alex: Bitch.

She hit him again.
He went to hit her.
I got between them. Then, James grabbed him by his shirt collar and belt loop, and carried him out.
I pulled her to me.

A: Feel better.
C: Yes. You were behind me.
A: He deserved to be hit, and I thought it would make you feel better. Come on little gangsta.

She laughed and shook her head.

We planned to only do festivals during the summer. Frank said that he would help with coaching.

We moved to Las Vegas for a month. I completed my residency with River Casino. The kids got to know their Uncle Will and cousin Stan. They met other members of the family as well.
We had Sadie and Pat pack the house up. Once it was over we were moving to Tennessee for a few months.

Stan: I think I will go stay in Tennessee too.
Charlotte: I'm not sure if people can take that.
Stan: Austin, we could coach a little league.
Austin: I'm not sure how accepting they would be of us Stan.
Charlotte: Slow your roll Stan.
Stan: Why?
Austin: We can just be normal.
Charlotte: How boring, Austin.
She slapped my ass.
I just laughed.
Charlotte: Nothing is free, Stan.
Stan: I know.

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