Throwing hands

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A: I have to tell you something.  Another

A: Let her Dale.  Just don't let her get hit.

The girl pulls her hand back and slaps her.

C:You God damn Bitch.
Charlotte punches her in the face. The girl hits the floor. Charlotte starts to kick her.
A: Dale, stop her.

He pushes her into the store.  I follow behind. The girl gets up.
The store manager puts her out and says she's banned from the store.
I pulled her to a dressing room.

A: Look at me.

She pushes me away.
A: Look at me.

She pushes me away.

A: Look at me. I know you are pissed just look at me.

She did, but she isn't talking.

A: Hey.

She looked down.

A: Hey.

She put her head on my chest. I sit down and pull her into my lap.
It's taking a while for her to calm down.  It usually doesn't.  I rub her hair and back while I sing to her.
She finally looks at me.

A: Hey.
C: Hey.  I have blood on my dress and my shoes. She busted my nose stupid bitch.
A: Are you ok?
C: Yes, just pissed off.
A: I could tell. Come on. 

We got her a new outfit and shoes.  The manager sent her others to be cleaned. 

C: Where did she say she was working? I don't want to see her.  What is her name?
M: Paige Watkins River Casino.
C: Thank you.

When we leave.
Charlotte picks up her phone.

C: Do you do your own hiring and firing?
S: What do you need?
C: Paige Watkins.  I want to fire her.
S: You do have a share in the casino.
C: Then where's my money?
S: I'll give you the books.
C: See you in10.

A: Do you really think this is a good idea?
C: She made me bleed my own blood onto my favorite dress and shoes.
A: I've done worse for less.  Let's go.  You have a share in the Casino?
C: First I heard of it.   Uncle Will paid for most of my college.
A: That's good.
We walk inside. Stan meets us.
S: Books first.

We walked upstairs to his office.  Here is your account. We have been putting it in there every month. 
We both look at it.
16 Million dollars.

C: What?
S: Granny left you your mom's part.  We were afraid to tell you because of Ken.  We knew he was an abusive asshole.  We couldn't be the reason the boys didn't have a dad.
C: Austin Adopted them 2 years ago.
S: He gave up his rights?
C: He wouldn't sign the birth certificates.
S: I'm glad you have them Austin. We had nothing to do with his death.  We won't be sending anyone to Europe with you.  What did the girl do?
C: She slapped me and busted my nose. I bled my own blood on my favorite dress and shoes.
S: You messed her face up. 
C: Yes I did.

Stan picked up the walkie.

S: Send. What's her name
C: Paige
S: Send Paige to my office.  Switch seats with me.

Paige walks in the door. The casino security stands on either side of Charlotte.  Alex and Dale stand between the desk and Paige.

P: What now?
C: Paige Watkins.  You physically assaulted one of the owners of this establishment. You are fired.  Please do not come around me again, or I will blackball you in this town.
P: I didn't know.
C: Know what?
P: That you are a Hatfield.  I'm sorry I hit your wife.

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