A Saint that Plays with the Devil

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The manager walks up.

A: Hey Paul how the hell are you doing man?
P: Austin?
P: You changed. 
A: Sometimes I just need a break.  Is that girl yours or does she just work here?
P: She just works here.
A: She was rude and aggressive towards my wife.  She was rude and disrespectful to me.
P: You're fired, get out. Sorry, I thought that was her, but I wasn't sure. She was a lot more pregnant the last time I saw her.
A: She doesn't play Posty's wifey card. What did she put back?
P. I have it all here.  It hasn't been reracked yet.
I look through the clothes, bags, and shoes.
A: I'll take it all.
P: Do you want it sent to the same hotel?
A: Yes.
P: 150,000

I gave him the cash.

I grab some stuff from Gucci and some things for the kids. We will shop more for them tomorrow.

We got back to the tattoo parlor.

A: Dude, do you like holding her hand or something? Mine didn't take that long.

She has a tattoo all the way up her finger. It has guitar strings, musical notes, and a medieval knight's sword. Then, Austin was in a princess cut diamond shape.
I started crying. She raised the bottom of her finger up.  It was the date we first met in Texas. I hugged her.

R: I changed my design a little for her, but I like holding her hand better than yours.
A: I don't blame you.
C: Do you like it?
A: I love it.  This is so beautiful. Thank you baby.
R: I'll see you tomorrow for your next project Austin?
A: Yes.

A: What do you want to do now?
C: I didn't get to shop for the kids. Let's go!

A: You want to go to Jimmy Choo?
C: I already have. This Sales girl was awful to me.
A: She got fired.
C: Alex.
A: Yes. I am his boss.  He tells me the problems.  He is the supervisor of security. That's why.  You're too nice. Is your finger ok?
C: It's fine. 
A: I really like it.
C: I do too. I love you.  What are you doing tomorrow?
A: It's a back tattoo with the kids' names. Shouldn't take too long.
C:This trip is yours.  I'm along for the ride.
A: I can't believe you have a tattoo.
C: Neither can I.

We went back to the room.

C: Take this please.

She hands me 100,000

A: I thought you spent 50,000.
C: I did.  I won 50,000 at black Jack.
A: How did? When did? What?
C: While you were on the phone I played a hand and won 50,000.
A: Of Course you did.

I laugh.

A: That means you get to spend more.
C: Austin I spent almost my salary before taxes in one day. I'm fine.
A: Don't start.
C: I spent 50,000 on myself. Don't push me.
A: True.  That is more than you normally do, but we are going shopping again tomorrow.
C: That's fine.

I already have watches and bracelets made for her.  I have some made for the kids too.
We went back to the casino. She sat down at the black jack table. I smiled.

A: Deal me in.

She kicked my ass.  She won and had over 150,000 worth of chips. A cooler came and stood beside her.  She offered him a seat. There was a crowd. She bought him a drink. I shook my head. I looked at the dealer. 

A: What is he doing?
D: He is supposed to bring her bad luck. Cool her streak.
A: Why?
D: She is counting cards.
A: I doubt that.
D: It looks like it, Mr. Post.

I shook my head. She was still winning.

A: Are you having fun princess?

Security came over.
I stand between them.

S: I'm sorry ma'am but you have to leave the floor.
C: I don't understand.
S: You can't count cards ma'am.
C: I don't know how to do that.
A: Alex cash both of us out and meet us at the hotel.

Stan the owner came down.

S: Ma'am please leave you are cheating. I don't know how, but you are.
A: She isn't cheating.
S: Do you know her Mr. Post?
A: This is my wife.  She has played black jack since she was in elementary school.
S: What?
A: She had a Mr. Mom and her dad ran a garage.
She isn't cheating, she is just that damn good.
S: I'm sorry ma'am I didn't know who you were. You are welcome to stay as long as you want.
She looks at me.
C: Can we please go?
A: Yes princess.
S: I'm sorry Mr. Post, how can I make it up to you both?

I don't answer and keep walking.

S: Please tell me why the cooler didn't work.

She puts her head down and walks away.

We get back to the room.

A: Are you ok princess?
C: I'm fine.
A: Do you know what a cooler is?
C: It's someone who's luck is so bad that it rubs off on others.
A: That's crazy.
C: It works on some.
A: It wasn't on you?
C: He won't work on anyone else now.
A: Why?
C: I won enough to pay off his debt.  I paid it off for him. Here is the capital.
A: He made you mad so you took his cooler.
C: Yap. That poor guy. He was there earlier, Austin. They treated him like shit. I couldn't handle it.
A: Did it make you happy paying off his debt?
C: It did.
She kissed me.
There was a knock on the door. I looked outside and it was Stan. I sent Dale and Alex a text. I need both of you here now. Go through the suite doors. They both make it into our room.
Alex: Dale, take Charlotte to your room and wait.
They both leave.  Alex and I both pull out our guns and put them in the holster on the back of our pants. I open the door.
S: Your wife paid a debt that wasn't her's.
A: She can do whatever she wants. You got your money she won back.
S: I lost my cooler.
A: It looked like she did you a favor.  It didn't work on her. 
S: She is like a saint that plays with the devil.
A: That is our marriage. Lol.
S: He didn't coarse her into paying did he?
A: No, she told me when we got back.
S: Where is she anyway?
A: Shopping.
S: You are both welcome back just don't let her break me too bad.  Thank you Mr. Post!

I laughed as I closed the door.

Alex: That wasn't bad.

Dale and Charlotte came back through the door.

Alex: I will be speaking with the front desk. No one should have access to this floor.
C: I want to go back there.
A: Princess.
C: Come with me. Stan isn't going to do shit.  His Daddy will kill him and he knows it.
A: What are you talking about? 

We meet Alex and Dale in the lobby.

A: Alex follow her.

We made it to the casino.  She goes to the poker table. Of course she can play poker. Someone stands close to her.  It's a cooler.  They have a casino ID and normal clothes. She buys them a drink and pulls out her flask. She puts some of hers in there.  She's giving him shine. I laugh. I stand beside her. Stan comes running down.

S: What did you just give him?
C: Take a drink cuz.

He did.

S: Where did you get this?
C: I made it.
S: Who taught you?
C: Granny.
S: Mr. and Mrs. Post may I speak with you in my office.  Where are your guards bring them all up too?

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