The Bitch is Back

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It was time to pack and go home.

A: Let's drive.
C: Ok.

I already had Alex bring her Pink Lamborghini.  There was a dealership in Atlanta that had it. After we were out of Atlanta traffic I pulled over.

A: Drive us home.
C: Really?
A: Drive it.
C: Ok.

She can drive a stick, and she can drive fast. 

A: Slow down a little.
C: I didn't realize I was going that fast sorry.
A: It's ok. Just please don't get into an accident.  These can get away from you. 

We took every back road we could.  Once we were close to home.

C: Hey where do we drop this off at.
A: We don't.
C: What?
A: It's yours. I bought it with our money.
She pulled over and I was ready for a fight.
She unbuckled her seat belt and got out of the car.
A: Shit.

She is going to kick my ass.
I opened my door up. She grabbed me. Almost tackled.

C: Thank you.  I love this car.
A: You're welcome.
She made a face.
A: What was that?
C: I want to show my dad.  We need to pick up the boys anyway.
A: I'll text Alex.  I will ride back with them.
She jumped up and down.
A: So you won't fight me on buying you a car?
C: Not this one.
She kissed me, and drove off.
We pulled up to her dad's house. I dove the boys around while she talked to her dad.  I put them in the SUV with me and Alex.

POV Charlotte
I threw Dad the keys.
C: Let's go.
F: He bought you a pink lamborghini.
C: Yes he did.
F: Let's go.
He was excited. He drove it down the main strip of town.
C: Hey, that's Ken.  That is Sarah with Ken.  Dad, I need to get a picture of this.
He pulled in and I got out and took a picture of Ken and Sarah together. I got back in the car
K: You fucking stupid bitch.
C: Dad, just drive please.  If you stop James will kill both of them.
F: He isn't. I see him now.
I text James, can you get more pics?
J: Already got them.

James was behind us.  Ken started following, and acting reckless James called the police and blocked him from passing. 

I text Austin. 
C: Hey babe.  Get the kids somewhere safe, quiet and destacting.
A: James already called. 
C: We are coming in hot.

C: Dad I'm sorry for getting you involved. 
F: He messes with you and those babies I'm already in.
C: I know. Thanks I love you.
F: Love you too. 
We pull into the house.  Alex is parked beside the gate.  He lets us in and gets out. 
F: It's going to get ugly.
C: I don't know what he said to make James call Austin it must have been bad.

We go inside.
C: Are the kids ok?
A: Yes.

He pulled me close and kissed my head.

POV Austin

We get inside and Allen And Andrew are playing video games, Anastasia and Jr are napping.  I sent Thomas home.  I sit down and open a bud light. My phone rings, it's James. 
A: Hey.
J: Ken is trying to chase Charlotte.  He is trying to beat her.  Austin, he is with Sarah.
A: Where is she?
J: She and Frank got away.  I have the road blocked and the police are on their way.
A:  Video everything he is doing that he does.  When the police get there, tell them everything that happened. Do you need Alex?
J: I might need Kirby.
A: Don't worry about that. I will call after we hang up.  I will pay any legal fees or anything else. Stay calm.

I have a text from Charlotte

C: Hey babe.  Get the kids somewhere safe, quiet and destacting.
A: James already called. 
C: We are coming in hot.

Hey boys, do you want to play video games in the bunker?
A/A:  YES!
I started the game then moved Anastasia and Jr. to beds in the bunker.  I sat in our bedroom in front of the door to the bunker.

I hear a car. It's Frank and Charlotte.
They come in the door.  She is ok. 
C: Are the Kids OK?
A: Yes.
C: Where?
A: Bunker.
She almost collapsed into me. 
C: He is with her.  Austin call Kirby.  I want full custody.  He has lost his mind.
A: Already started.  He is on video cursing you and threatening to kill you.  He also said he was going to run with the boys.  Kirby has filed papers.
C: Thank you. James?

I haven't heard anything yet.
My phone rings.
J: Hey boss.  They wrote him a ticket.  Tell Kirby to get an order of protection too. The officer gave me his card.  He says his name is Smith.  Ken hates him.  When I told him what happened he said Frank's daughter Charlotte.  Is who you threatened.  Ken was screaming. 
Smith: I get off at 9:00, name the place and time you little bitch.
A:We will cut that.
J:  I'm pulling in. I'll bring the dash cam in.
A: Thanks James.

James came in.  We watched the footage.
K: Come back here.  I'm going to kill both of you.  Fuck you Charlotte. Fuck you Frank. 
He tried to run James over.
S: You should have picked me.
K: I haven't spent a weekend with my kids in 3 months because of you.
S: Just let him adopt them.  You can have more.
K: She can't know we are living together.
S: Why?
K: Because of what you did to Allen. She doesn't care who I date, she just has to be good to the boys.  You are going to stop beating them for looking like her.
S: I hate her.
K: They are mine Sarah.
S: I'm not going to stop.  I might hit them harder now.
He didn't say anything.

I sent it to Kirby. 
A: Take his rights away.  I want charges brought against her.
A: Allen, Andrew came here.
Charlotte is with them.
A: Does Sarah live with daddy?
A/A: Yes.
A: Does she hit you?
She has tears running down her face. 
A/A: Yes.
A: Will you show us where?
They had bruises across their stomach, back, and butt.
F: I'm going to kill him.
C: Come here I'm sorry.  You don't have to go back. How would you feel about going on tour with Austin?
A/A: Please. 
Allen: Austin.  Can you be my dad instead of Ken?
A: I am working on that now baby.  I'm sorry I didn't know that was happening please tell us anything.
Andrew: Sarah is having a baby.  She said daddy wouldn't need us anymore.
A:I need you.
C: I need you.
A/A: Can we call Austin Dad?
C: That is up to you two.

My phone rings.
Kirby: She has all rights to them.  He never signed the birth certificates.
A: Neither of them?
K: No.  Their legal last name is Parker.
A: Really?
K: Yes.
A: Thank you.  Can I adopt them?
K: Yes I had to redo the paperwork. I will need your signatures.
A: Can we file from Utah?
K: Yes.
A: Princess.
She comes out.
A: He never signed the birth certificates.  The boys don't have a legal father. How would you feel about moving to Utah? I can keep everyone safer there.
C: Ok.
A: Hey Fank.
He comes out.
A: We are going to move to Utah for a while.  We have a private jet.  You can come anytime you want.  You can move too.  We have a guest house.
F: I have stuff here.  I will visit.  He goes back in with the kids and plays in their rooms.

My phone rang, it's Ken.
I sent it to voicemail.
Charlotte's phone rang and I sent it to voicemail.  This went on for a while. She came to get her phone. 
A: Princess he is calling you like crazy please leave it I don't want you to get upset.
She kissed me. I wrapped my hands around her hips.
C: If you knew then what you know now would you change anything?
A: Yes, I would have adopted the boys sooner. That's it.  I love you.
C: I love you too.
A: We're going to stay at our house in Texas for a week. While everything is moved to Utah.
C: That's fine.
A: You seem content.
C: I'm done with him. 

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