New Beginnings

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A month later. I have to do a few shows. I will be gone for a week. I have just been gone for a few nights here and there. She goes with me when she can.
A: Home school the boys and come with me.
C: I have to work.
A: No you don't.
C: They need me, Austin. The boys have to go to school.
A: I know I just need you too.
C: I will see you this weekend and fly home with you. I will miss you too.

She flies and meets me in New York on Friday night. We have dinner in a private dining area at the Empire State Building.
She is staring out the window and smiling.
C: Thank you for this.
A: What?
C: This is amazing and you're amazing. I love you.
She looks back out the window and I get down on one knee.
A: I love you too.
I take her hand and she looks at me. Charlotte I love you. I told you the first week that I wanted to marry you. I still do.

I open the box and she starts to cry.

A: Will you marry me?
C: Yes. Yes. I will marry you.

We made it back to the room.

I tangled my hand into her hair and brought her closer to me. I kissed her hard and with passion. I kiss down her neck and to her collar bone. She starts to moan. I slow my pace, making sure to pay close attention to every part of her.
I knead one breast with my hand and suck and lick the other. I switch. I rub her pussy with my knee. She doesn't have on panties. She is dripping wet and hot. Shit. I kiss down her stomach to her pussy. I lick up and down her folds. I gently insert one finger. She is so tight. I slid my finger in and out and licked her clit. I rub her G Spot and she begins to moan louder. She rubs my hair and bucks her hips slightly. I kiss up her abdomen to her mouth. I slid my cock in and pound her with eagerness and intent. We both climax.

C: This feels like a fairy tale.
A: What?
C: I feel like a princess. Look at this amazing life that I am privileged to live, because of you. You treat me with respect. You open doors for me. You send me lunch. You are amazing to my children. Austin I'm so lucky to have you. Thank you. I love you.
A: I love you too.

I called my dad to tell him the news.
R: Little quick huh son?
A: I love her and want to be with her.
R: Make sure she loves Austin Post and not Post Malone.

I listened to my dad. It was quick, we have been in a world wind. I have an idea.

The following day I had Dre send me an email saying my accountant ran away with all of my money.

At breakfast.
C: What's wrong?
A: My accountant took off with everything. Fuck I'm broke.
C: Ok.
A: No it's not ok.
C: I'm sorry Austin, that is how I problem solve and think I usually say it to myself, but it's early, and slipped out. I have a job. We can work on a budget, and I'm not breaking up. I want to marry you and we are still engaged, but I know this ring is extravagant. Can you return it and pay some bills? I can get a cheap one on amazon. As long as it is from you I'm happy.
A: I can't sing anymore. I have nodes on my vocal cords.
C: You love writing, maybe that can still be your thing. I just want you to be happy Austin. I love you. Let's head home. We can drive.

She starts to pack up.
I hear her on the phone.

C: Hey. Something unexpected has come up. We will be late. Can you take the boys to my dad?
That's fine. I will pick them up from school on Monday.
I sat on the couch with my face in my hands. I'm such an asshole. Charlotte came in with suitcases. She sat beside me.
C: I've got you, Austin.
She held me.
A: I'm sorry.
C: None of this is your fault. We will make do.
A: We? You're not leaving me?
C: I don't care about the money or fame. I love you. You treat me like a princess and you make sure the boys and I are taken care of. We will figure it out. I might need you to pick the boys up. They are paying time and half for after school torturing. If there isn't a class left I can sub. We will figure it out. Just write your bills down and we will budget.
A: I'm an asshole. I'm not broke. I can still sing. I let dad get in my head. I wanted to make sure you would stay. I'm so sorry please...
C: I need a minute.
A: I understand.

She walks into the bedroom and shuts the door.

She comes back into the room.

C: I'm upset and offended, but I understand. If my boys were in the same position I would say the same. Did you think I would leave?
A: No.
C: Have I ever made you doubt my feelings or my intentions?
A: No, I'm so sorry. Please forgive me. Please. Please.
C: I forgave you when you the first time you apologized. I love you. I'm not going anywhere. I love Austin Post. Post Malone just comes with you. If you stopped being Post Malone tomorrow I would still be here.

A: I heard you talking to Ken, are the boys ok?
C: Yes. I knew we wouldn't make it in time if we drove. So, I called to make other arrangements for the night. I also called and took a personal day from work.
A: I'm so sorry. Are we still engaged?
C: Yes. Can I have my ring back?
A: You really do like it?
C: I love it. I really do love it. It is the most beautiful ring I have ever seen. And really thoughtful. I love that it is engraved with the date that we met on it. It has my birthstone on one side and yours on the other. It has I Love You in your writing.
A: You were going to sell it.
C: We sacrifice for those that we love.
A: I swear I will never do anything like that again.
C: Please don't.
A: Since we have an extra day, do you want a quick legal wedding? Then we can plan our big one.
C: Really?
A: Yes.
C: Yes.
A: I could see in your eyes when I asked if we were really going to be married or just engaged for 20 years.
C: I love you.
A: Love you too. Princess.
She smiled.
A: I picked out a cute dress for you and I have our wedding bands.
C: Austin you need a prenup. I will not marry you until we have one.
A: I have that too. Let's sit down and look at it.
It says anything that I have now is mine. Anything I make after we are married you get half if we divorce. If you cheat on me you get nothing and if I cheat you get 75% instead of half. I also want to show you a few things.
She looked at me with glazed eyes.
A: Are you ok?
C: Yes. I'm just reading this other part.
A: That's what I'm about to show you.
Here is the deed to the house in Tennessee. You own it. I have no claim to it whatsoever. Here is a bank account with 2 million dollars in it. These are the documents for the boys trust funds. They each get a million. They can access it to pay for college or the can when they are 25.
Her mouth is wide open.
C: Austin you are too generous.
A: I don't want you to stay with me or any other man for that matter because you feel like you have to. I love you and want you to stay because you want to. I want those boys taken care of and I hope that we have a child or children

She signed.
C: Thank you Austin.
A: You're welcome. Princess.
C: That's my new name isn't it?
A: Yes. I plan on making you feel like a fairy tale princess for the rest of your life.

We had a small courthouse wedding. We went back to our room and consummated the marriage. I mailed the documents to my lawyer and we were legal.

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