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Unknown POV:

Beat me. Beat me. Beat me.

The words echo around me and I hate that the more I observe her the more I feel for her. Empathy, remorse, guilt, anything and everything is a constant battle when it comes to her.

I sit in this dark basement listening to the recording of her voice, the pain in it and the vulnerability that I can feel through the recording. I knew she got smacked around but never once did I think it was this bad and my hatred for Malcolm miraculously grows larger and larger. I thought I'd reached my peak of disgust for him, but he just keeps raising the bar higher. An overachiever that one he is.

I throw the headphones down, running my finger through my hair in frustration. 

I don't know what to feel anymore.

Smoking the lit cigarette burning between my fingers I think back as I listened and rewind, listened and rewind and I can't seem to get her words out of my head. She must have been so young and regardless of what she did, no one ever deserves that.

I'm a monster, yet even I have lines I'm not willing to cross, and hitting a child let alone if that child was my daughter is one of them.

I understand her pain though. To feel so helpless while someone treats you like the scum underneath their shoes, while your scream and yells of pain don't register. Wondering when it'll all be over when it will finally stop and you can lay there as the warmth of blood drips down your body.

I grew accustomed to that feeling because when all I could feel was that, I finally knew it was over.

And then there's the small thing about what she did with you know who in. . .private. Malcolm expects me to send him weekly recordings, too lazy to organize them by week himself so he drops them into my lap. But I don't think I can send him this. For him to hear her as she revealed her trauma was one thing but to hear that is completely different.

Right on time, my phone begins to ring and I groan out. "Leave me the fuck alone you cunt." With my head thrown back, I yell into the empty space of the dark basement, the sound bouncing off the empty walls.

"Hello?" I answer the line.

"Do you have my recording?" he gets straight to business.

Thinking quickly, I come up with the best I can think of. "Uh, the recording was compromised, something wrong with the connection and everything, can't hear a single thing." I answer back to him calm and collected.

"For fucks sake fourteen. You had one job and somehow you managed to even fuck that up. Go back in today, tomorrow, the day after I don't really give two shits. . .just fix it." he yells and hangs up, not willing to hear anything else.

I fucking hate that nickname.

Opening the computer I pull out the CD that had been burning and crack it into multiple shards. I wipe the tech, leaving no trace I'd ever heard it and getting up I take one last drag of my cig before dropping it beneath the leg of the metal chair, and putting it out.

I look at my set up in the basement of a building, the concrete walls lit just enough to see with the faint hue of dark blue light coming from the trap door above.

I guess this is what was destined for me from the beginning. This is what was waiting for from the minute I was born. To watch and destroy a girl I might no longer believe deserves it.

My place in hell was secured for me long before I ever met either of them and standing here,  I guess I'm just getting used to it.

A head start.

Locking the door behind me I check the time, only to realize I'm fucking late. Once getting top side, I start up my car and drive through the city my phone buzzing continuously and each time it goes off my skin crawls.

Driving into the parking garage I drive to the top floor and park my car beside a silver BMW i8.

Shutting off the engine, I get out and switch, reaching under the car to find the key placed on the top of the front wheel.

Taking the back duffel bags out of the trunk of my car, I transfer them into the BMW and as I start the car, the purr of the engine comes to life.

Speeding out of the garage, I start the 2-hour long drive. My mind doesn't shut the fuck up as my thoughts change with each kilometre I drive towards my destination.

The drive goes by slowly but soon enough I pull up to the abandoned warehouse and putting it in park, I get ready. Grabbing the gun from my glove compartment I shove it into the back of my pants after making sure it's loaded.

I grab the multiple black bags from the back seat and before shutting the door, I check for the extra weapons hidden in the interior of this car.

Once I feel secure and as safe as I can feel, I walk inside the building. I mean it's not like I give any fucks what happens to me but I can't really be fucking shit up right now.  Walking into this, I have no idea who I'm meeting, so regardless I have to be prepared for the worst.

They haven't arrived yet so I set the bags down and wait. A half-hour passes before I hear an engine cut off and the metal door creak.

A figure walks in followed by a couple of guys I don't recognize and he yells. "You got my shit pretty boy?" the sound echoing off the walls.

My shoulder slightly drops in relief when I see who it is "I sure do Louis." I shake his hand. "Thought you were dead?" I questions and he smiles.

"You know that shit never sticks." he smiles and his gold tooth shines.

Fucking Louis Tomlinson, he's supposed to be dead but I guess he's right. That shit truly never does stick. He is one dangerous mother fucker, but there are truly worse people to deal with.



Hey my lovelies,

Surprise, surprise! Louis's NOT dead. What do you think about that, what are your assumptions let me know.

Chapter 32 and this chapter is an unknown POV. I hope you all enjoyed it and leave me a vote and comment because I love hearing you thoughts. We're also almost to 2K which I mean, my mind is blown so once again thank you so much. I know I def sound like a broken record but I mean it every time.

My unknown POV's are a lot shorter than normal so let me know if you want to see longer ones or if you like the short ones. I think it leaves suspense but let me know.

I hope you're all  staying safe and I'm sending you all the love.

*forehead kiss*


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