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I'm pretty sure this is the filthiest smut I have ever written, enjoy!!


Haven's POV:

My fever knocked me out cold for a week. In the days following I barely got out of bed and had to practically kick Harry out so he could go to work.

He's been an angel, making sure to make me turmeric latte's and soup for days which I gladly accepted. But now I'm all better and I've been working like crazy the past week, because despite having a very rich boyfriend, I'm running a little low on money.

So here I am finishing up a couple things at Fleurs after I finished a double shift this afternoon. Grace had to go to a doctors appointment and I told her I'd keep the store open and close for her. I could tell she needed the money because not only do I help out, but I balance her books so I know how her sales aren't where they once were.

Like always she's left me with a kiss on the cheek and baked goods while handing me an envelope which I know contains a small amount from what I'm "owed" for the hours I put in. But unlike other times, I hesitated before putting it back in the cash like I always do.

Money's been a little tight and with Christmas next week and my plans to leave by the end of the month, now is not the time to be short for money.

Locking up and shutting the lights off behind me, I begin the walk to Harry's apartment. It's dark out, the remnants of last nights rain fall casting a layer of fog across the city. I walk at a slower pace than usual munching on the snickerdoodle cookies Grace made. I take my time getting home, noticing the unusually amount of people walking around despite the late hours of the night.

The city is usually very quiet and on most nights I can only hear a faint police siren in the distant. But today, people are appearing at every corner, bumping into one another and chatting their asses off.

Turning the corner after walking 20 minutes which I spent people watching, a large man abruptly walks into me, his hand comping out to grab the skin of my wrists. "Oh sorry. Are you ok?" I ask turning around to check, but the man doesn't stop walking. "Dick." I mutter.

I turn back around, the entrance to Harry's apartment just in sight and I try my best to forget about the weird man. But as I walk closer and closer to the doors, my wrist tingles as if remembering a faint sensation. So rubbing the skin and the tattoo that lays there, I open the door leaving the thoughts of that man behind while filling my brain with thoughts of Harry.

Fumbling with the lock, it takes me a few seconds to open his door, but upon entering, I'm left disappointed when a note lays by the front table.

I'm so sorry! A work emergency came up but I'll be back as soon as I can. Rain check on dinner??Don't wait up.
Love you always,

I crumple up the small note which was clearly written in a rush and toss it into the trash the minute I enter the kitchen after ditching my shoes. We've been so busy I feel like I haven't seen him in so long despite the hours he helped nurse me back to health. But in my defence I wasn't conscious for most of the time considering I was hopped up on cold medication. I'm not mad though, I know his work is unpredictable and this will likely happen again, but it just seems like we've been missing each other recently.

From having that fight, to getting sick, and our crazy work schedules, we've barely had any time together. . .he's barely touched me. Correction he has hasn't touched me at all since the day he came home and to be quite honest it's all I can think about recently.

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