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George's POV

I heard Riley and Ava sprinting up the stairs and started to panic, where can I hide? 

I looked around and noticed there was a closet behind a tapestry she had in there, I quickly walked into the closet and stayed silent. 

The door swung open, "Oh my god." 

"Riley it's not what it looks like-" 

"It looks like an awesome setup! I love all of your minecraft plushies!" (a/n: haha just friends reference.)

"And your led lights look sick! Did you do this all by yourself?"

"Actually, my dad helped me when I moved here. This is like my safe place." 

"It's really cool Ava, I can't believe this is your job."

"Neither can I. Look, let's go back downstairs. We can make something to eat before you have to leave." 

"Oh, I was thinking we could have a sleepover tonight! But, here." 

"Here? Like, at my house?"

"Yeah! We've spent the last couple of nights at my house so now it's your turn!" 

"Uh, see I would say yes but I have to stream tonight." 

"So? Let me be on it." 

"It was a planned stream. It's gonna be me and my friend Nick so, I can't cancel." 

"Oh okay well, I'll just go now then so you can get ready and stuff." 

"Oh alright, I'll make sure to text you later then." 

"Sounds good! I'll show myself out, have fun tonight on your stream!" I heard Riley say running down the stairs. 

"Thanks Riles! Drive safe!" I heard Ava said. 

I could hear the front door close and footsteps running back upstairs. The bedroom door opened, "George, where are you?"

"In here." I said getting out of the closet. 

Ava sighed with relief, she walked over to her gaming chair and sat down. "That was close. What if she looked in the closet and saw you here?"

"But she didn't Ava. I promise, next time this happens we'll be more prepared."

"There's gonna be a next time? So, we're just always gonna be so close to getting caught?"

I looked down at my hands, not knowing what to say. Ava sighed, "I'm sorry. It's just, I don't want anything or anyone to ruin this." 

"And they won't. It's only our first day as a secret couple, of course we're not gonna be good at it yet." 

"I guess you're right." 

I sat on Ava's couch she had in her streaming room and pulled her gaming chair closer to me. I held the right side of her face in my hand, rubbing it softly with my thumb. "We'll figure it out, we'll figure everything out. I promise, everything will be okay.

Ava sighed again, she kissed my cheek and moved her chair away, "As long as we don't loose each other, then I'm all in." 

I smiled. I picked her up from her chair and spun her around. She laughed, "George! Put me down!" 

"Never!" I said laughing with her. 

She laughed some more, how her laugh made my heart flutter. 

I put her down and looked down at the girl in front of me. She had a huge smile on her face, I leaned down and placed my lips on hers. She smiled into the kiss, which caused me to smile as well. 

Looking back at it now, I wished I had stayed in that moment. 

The moment where I was happy, where she was happy. 

Where it was just us, and nobody else mattered. 

But I guess everything wasn't okay...

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