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Suddenly, I heard a knock on my front door. 

I thought to myself, who could be here at 1 in the morning? 

I got out of bed and rushed downstairs, making sure to grab my mace just in case it was some kind of weirdo or something. 

I opened the door, my heart sunk. 

"What are you doing here?" 

"I watched your stream." 

"Riley I- I can't believe you're here..."

"Ava, I'm ready to listen to what you have to say." 

A small smile appeared on my face, "Do you want to come in?" 


"Wow, so technically this is all my fault because I left you behind at that party?" 

I chuckled, "Pretty much yeah." 

Riley chuckled, "I am such a horrible friend, I never knew I made you feel that way before."

"You we're pretty horrible but, I was too. I dated your brother behind your back and I should've told you." 

Riley sighed, "So why didn't you?"

"Why didn't I what?"

"Tell me!"

I shrugged, "You hate him. I thought if you knew me and him we're dating you would hate me too." 

Riley laughed, "I do find it disgusting how you find my brother attractive but, I couldn't hate you for liking him. I mean despite our differences, he's a pretty cool guy." 

"Have you talked to him since that night?" 

"Well actually, I live on my own now." 

"Really?! That's great Riles!" 

"I know right! But to answer your question, no. I haven't even said a word to him since that night. And, I had a big fight with my Mom about my Dad." 

"I never knew your Dad abused George..." 

"I didn't believe it at first but, I talked to my Dad about it and he told me the truth. God, I feel so awful for picking my Dad over them." 

"Well maybe you should tell George that."

"This isn't about me and George. It's about you and him, have you talked to him?"

"At first, he tried calling everyday. But, now he never calls." 

"Do you hate him?" 

I sighed, "I don't know..." 

"You know this isn't any of his fault right? It's all mine." 

I looked down at my hands, "Yeah but, I knew all of this was a horrible idea. And, he made me think everything was gonna be okay. I told him I didn't wanna loose him in the end and, that's exactly what happened." 

Riley sighed, "I'm okay with it." 

I looked up at her, "What?" 

"I'm okay with you dating George." 

"Riles even if you are okay with it, I don't even know where me and George stand..." 

"Well maybe you should talk to him?" 

"Look Riles, it's really late. Do you wanna stay over tonight?" 

Riley smiled. "Our first sleepover at your house, finally!" She chuckled. 

I chuckled too, "Shut up! Come on, I'll get you clothes to wear." 

"And maybe tomorrow we can stream! I would love to finally see what you do for a living." 

I smiled, "That sounds perfect." 

507 words.

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