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It was the next day and I woke up to the sound of Ally meowing like crazy, "What is it Ally?" I said sitting up and rubbing my eyes. 

I remembered I forgot to feed her last night and quickly got up and ran downstairs. I looked in the cabinet for her food and once I found it I poured it into her bowl, "I'm so sorry Ally, last night was crazy." 

"Yeah, it was." I heard somebody say. 

I turned around and saw George sitting up on my couch, his hair was messy and his eyes were slightly shut. 

"Did I wake you? I'm sorry." 

"No it's okay, if I knew Ally needed food I would have gotten her some and let you sleep." 

"I didn't sleep at all last night, I just kept thinking about everything." I said walking over to the couch sitting beside George. 

"Everything as in?" 

"Everything as in us. Do you think this is a good idea? I mean, what if Riley finds out? Or more importantly, what if the fans found out?" 

George pulled me closer to him so that my legs were on his, he brushed some hair out of my face and smiled, "They won't find out. Okay, this is our relationship and we'll tell them when we're ready."

"You said relationship...does that mean I'm your?"

"Girlfriend? Yes it does. And as your boyfriend, I want to make you happy. So, do you wanna have dinner tonight?"

I smiled, "I'd love to have dinner with you tonight." 

"Great. And, don't worry about anything, I have everything under control,"  

"Okay, I trust you." I said kissing George on the cheek. 

We starred into each others eyes, George looked down at my lips then back up into my eyes. He slowly leaned in then...

There was a knock at the door. 

"Ava! Ava are you home?!" 

"Oh crap, it's Riley!" I said getting off George. 

"Ava, I know you're home. Come on, please." Riley said continuing to knock. 

"You need to hide." 

"Where am I supposed to hide?" 

"Just, go in my streaming room. I'll tell her it's off limits or something just go!" I said pushing George up the stairs. 

I slowly walked up to the front door and took a deep breathe, I opened the door and saw Riley with a stuffed bear and a bag. 

"I'm sorry Ava. I feel horrible for inviting you to the party and totally ignoring you and just leaving you behind. I feel bad. " 

"What's in the bag?"

"All your favorites. I got your favorite chips, your favorite candy and I even got you two monsters." 

I sighed, "You can come in." 

I stood to the side and let Riley walk in, she sat on the couch and placed her stuff on the floor. 

I closed the door and sat beside her, "Look Ava, I promise to never do that to you again. I guess, I've just been overwhelmed and stressed with trying to find an apartment and escaping my Mom that I just wanted to have a good time. But, looking back at the parts I remember, I wasn't having a good time without you there." 

"Riley I get it! I wanted to escape my parents too and I'll help you find an apartment. But seriously, don't ever do that to me again." 

Riley smiled, "I won't, I promise. Here's your stuff." Riley said handing me the bear and bag. 

"Thank you Riles, this is all so generous." 

"Of course, I had to make it up to you. So, I don't remember that much from last night. Like, who did you hang out with when I ditched you." 

I gulped, "Uh, I just found some random girls to hang out with." 

"Ava you have social anxiety, you get scared to order for yourself at restrooms. Come on, who'd you hang out with?" 

I avoided the question. 

Riley gasped, "Was it that boy you told me about?! He was at the party wasn't he?" 

I blushed, "Come on Ava, you have to tell me what happened!" 

"Nothing happened! Okay, we talked for awhile and then this jerk spilled his drink all over me and he helped me clean my shirt off." 

"He helped you clean your shirt off? What else did he do, take it off?" Riley smirked at me. 

"Riley stop!" I hit her with the pillow. 

She laughed, "Okay I'm sorry! Just, please tell me you guys kissed at least?"

"There maybe was a makeout session but that's all I'm saying!" 

Riley screamed, "Well that's good right?! So, are you guys gonna make anything official?"

"Um, who knows! Let's talk about something else, how did you get home?"

"Oh, Sofia took me. Wait, how'd you get home?" 

"Uh, George dropped me off." 

"He dropped you off?" 

"Yeah and then he left back home." 

"Huh, weird because he wasn't there when I got there this morning." 


"Oh, yeah that is kinda weird." 

"Whatever, he's probably at that guy Wilbur's house. Anyways, do you want to give me a house tour? I really wanna see your streaming room."


I ran in front of the stairs so that I was in Riley's way. 

"Ava, let me through. I wanna see your work space!" 

"But, it's dirty in there right now..."

"Please, you think I haven't seen your closet before? Just, move." Riley said shoving me out of the way. 

Oh no. 

"Riley, it's off limits!"

"You should see my room first! It's super cute."

"Or maybe you could see-" 

Before I said anything else, Riley opened the door to my streaming room and stood still. 

"Oh my god." 

935 words. 

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