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George got up from his bed and walked up to me, he stood in front of me.

He stared at me, all of me. And then, I realized...

"Oh god, George look away!" I said pushing George to turn around so I could put my shirt on. 

He chuckled before turning around and covering his eyes, I quickly threw my shirt over my head and fixed my hair.

After doing so, I realized he wasn't wearing a shirt either. He was only wearing black sweatpants and his hair was wet, I could tell he just got out of the shower. 

"Can I turn around now?"

I snapped back into reality, "Oh, yeah."

George turned around and smiled, "It's nice to see you again Ava." 

"It's nice to see you again too, I didn't know you still lived here?"

"Yeah well, I wasn't gonna go with Riley to Houston to visit our dad, so I just stayed here." George said walking back towards his bed.

I wonder why he didn't want to go with Riley to Houston...

Here's the funny thing about me and George, before Riley left to go to Houston, me and George rarely talked. I always saw him as Riley's weird older brother. I remember I started to get more into MInecraft and I knew George was a streamer and was apart of the Dream SMP, we would always hear him in his room streaming and having fun, I thought it was cool. 

So before Riley left, I asked George if he could help me start my platform. And he did, now thanks to him I have 2.1M followers on Twitch and I met many cool people, like Nick. 

Me and George never really talk anymore, I mean it was weird talking to my best friend's brother that I didn't really know enough about. 

Now, I know I said I only saw him as RIley's weird older brother but, wow has he changed. He was so hot-

"Ava?" George said to me.

I snapped back into reality, "Sorry, what we're you saying?"

"I was saying, do you need anything else?"

"Oh! No I'm fine, and I'm sorry for, well you know." 

"No it's cool, I liked the view." George said with a smirk on his face. 

My face went red, "Um, okay well I better go back before Riley starts to wonder where I am. It was nice to see you, have a good night!" I said quickly grabbing my bag and running out of his room. 

"Wait you forgot your-" 

I shut George's door before he said anything else and went into the restroom to change out of my pants and brush my teeth. Once I was finished I gathered my stuff and walked back into Riley's room. 

"What took you so long?" Riley said from her bed. 

"Oh, I went to go get some water from your mom. Let's start the movie, I'm dying to see Leonardo Dicaprio"  I said getting under Riley's blankets. 

"Uh, okay." Riley said starting the movie. 

I couldn't stop thinking about what George said, he liked the view?  What does that even mean? 

I also couldn't stop thinking about how good he looked. His wet hair, his abs, god he was so cute. 

What am I saying? That's Riley's older brother, I've known him my whole life! 

Just stop thinking about it Ava, just focus on the movie. 

a/n: ayo George's new haircut is SOOOOOOOOO HOTTTTTTTTTT


okay, enough about his new haircut. (sorry i have a problem lol.)

anyways, i hope you enjoyed this chapter!

589 words.

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