twenty three

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Today was the day I was finally getting to meet Tommy, Tubbo, Wilbur, and Ranboo for the first time. Not only that but I was also seeing George today, which was a bonus. 

I was super pumped being able to be in one of Tommy's vlogs. They always looked so exciting and fun and now, I was getting to be apart of that! 

I got my outfit on and of course snapped a quick photo of myself and posted it before walking out to George's car. 



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"Hey Ava, wow you look gorgeous today."


"Aw thank you George, you're not looking so bad yourself." I chuckled. 

George fixed his hair, "Lets head over to the amusement park before we're late." George said, reversing the car. 

When reversing, he did the thing where he puts his hand behind my seat and has one hand on the wheel, my god was that attractive. 

I still hadn't told George I liked him, was I going to? Yes. When? Not sure. I needed to know if he saw me that way too, but like Riley said, I didn't wanna rush him. 


"AVA! WHAT'S UP WOMEN!" Tommy said running up to me giving me a little side hug. 

I chuckled, "Hey Tommy! Why are you screaming?"

"He's always like this Ava." Wilbur chimed in.

"Yeah you better get used to it." Ranboo said. 

I nodded, "Alright so basically we're going on all the rides starting from the least scariest to the scariest. And you cannot back out, YOU HEAR ME?" Tommy said.

We all nodded, Tommy grabbed his phone out and started vlogging. 

We walked around for a bit deciding which ride to go on first. We finally decided on a roller coaster which I thought was pretty fun! I got to sit with Tubbo and me and him were just laughing the entire time.

a/n: i'm way to lazy to write their whole adventure at the amusement park so here are some highlights :) 


"AVA AVA AVA! LET'S GO ON THAT RIDE TOGETHER!" Tubbo said grabbing my arm and leading me to another roller coaster. 

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