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7 pm

"Ava I'm really sorry about all of this, I feel horrible." 

I sighed, "Nick, the truth would have came out either way with that picture. Don't blame yourself." 

"I still should've kept my mouth shut. How have you been after everything?"

"Well last night when I found out I just turned my phone off and went to bed. But, when I woke up almost everyone had heard about what happened. What am I gonna do Nick?" 

"Have you talked to George?"

"No, and I'm not going too." 

"Ava, he needs to know what's going on." 

"He's probably already seen it Nick." 

"Actually probably not, he told me awhile ago he wasn't gonna be on social media for awhile, he didn't want to see anything that would remind him of you." 

I sighed, "Then we shouldn't tell him. I mean, clearly he doesn't want to be reminded of me." 


"Fine then you tell him! I don't want to talk to him Nick." 

"Ava he didn't do anything wrong! Why do you hate the guy so much?" 

"I don't hate him, I just- I don't know. Look, I lost Riley because of him, and I told myself from the beginning that it wasn't a good idea and I knew something was going to happen but he just- he just made me think everything was gonna be fine, like we we're gonna work out." 

"And you guys still can! Look, Riley said she's okay with you guys dating so-" 

"That's another thing, I shouldn't need Riley's permission to date someone. Of course we should have told her but she still could have understood my point of view." 

"Did you ever tell her any of that?" 

"Yeah on the night she came over, I made sure to tell her how bad she was on her part. And she understood, just wished she had understood sooner." 

Sapnap sighed, "Do you still care about him?" 

"Nick you asked me this the other day..."

"I don't care, answer the question." 

I thought for a second, George made me feel a certain way nobody has made me feel before. He made me feel like I was the only girl in the world, but at the same time he made me so sad. If I hadn't done anything with him in the first place, none of this would have happened. 


"Oh sorry, I don't know Nick. Look, I gotta go. I just wanna relax tonight and not think about any of this right now, talk later?" 

"Of course Ava, if you need anything text me." 

"Mhm, goodnight Nick." 

"Night Ava." Sapnap said before ending the discord call. 

I sighed and laid back in my gaming chair, why'd it have to be this way? 

463 words

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