twenty nine

869 22 3


Ava's POV

Me and the boys we're currently shopping for Halloween costumes. Well, they we're shopping for Halloween costumes, I was going as a Devil this year. 

I was in the back looking for a costume for George when suddenly I felt someone tap my shoulder. 

I turned around and saw two teen girls, one brunette and one red head with excited looks on their faces.

"Oh my god! It really is you!" The red haired girl exclaimed.

"I told you! Hi Ava, we're huge fans of you! We watch your streams like all the time!" The brunette girl said.

I chuckled, "Aw you guys are the sweetest." I looked at the items in their hands, "You'd look so cute in that." I said to the brunette girl.

She smiled, "Thank you! We saw Sapnap and Karl in the front so we just knew you'd be here!"

"Does that mean that George is with you?"

"He is! But, I'm not quite sure where he is at the moment." 

The girls nodded, "Well, we'd love to take a photo with you! If that's okay?"

"Of course it is! Let me just fix my hair." I said placing my items on the ground and taking a photo with the two girls, "Thanks Ava! Hope you enjoy your time in America! We love you, bye!"

"I love you too! And thank you so much, happy Halloween!" I said waving at the two girls. 

George walked beside me jumping up in joy, "Finally! Where have you been?"

"I was over there! Look, I found the perfect costume!" He said, I looked down at his items and saw a Harry Potter costume, clever.

I chuckled, "I'll give it to you, but only because it makes sense." 

He chuckled too and threw his arm around me, "Shall we go look for the nimrods?" 

"We shall." I said smiling. 






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