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"I don't know Nick, he sounded pretty mad when he hung up."

"Did you call him back? Or text him?" 

"Nick I don't know how many times I have to say this, I DON'T WANNA TALK TO GEORGE!" 

"So your really just gonna let him go like that?" 

"You're the one who said he didn't wanna be reminded of me, if I don't talk to him then he won't be reminded of me! It's a win win." 

"Ava, he cares about you. George is just in a lot of pain after everything happened, and he likes to push everything away. Kinda like you..." 

"What?! I don't push everything away."

"You're pushing George away, you're barely talking to me anymore, and you haven't even addressed anything on Twitter." 


"You're right Nick, I'm sorry. You have been trying to help me and all I've been doing is avoiding it all."

"Yeah you dummy!" Sapnap said. 

I chuckled, "I'm sorry again, I'll figure something out I swear."

"Take your time Ava, and if you need anything I'm always here."

"I know Nick, thanks again." 

"Mhm, later Ava." 

"Later." I smiled slightly, ending the call. 

I laid back into my gaming chair sighing, you really do push everything away Ava. 

I pulled my phone out and texted George. 


ava : hey george. i know it's late but, i'm ready to talk

george : are you serious? 

ava : im serious, do you wanna come over?

george : like now? 

ava : no in a billion years george

george : okay, see you in a billion years

ava : GEORGE!

george : i'm joking! i'll be there soon

ava : good, see you soon. 

george : see you soon. 

276 words

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