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George's POV

I laid in my bed staring up at the ceiling, I couldn't stop thinking about Ava. 

We haven't talked since I helped her start her platform and once in a while I would watch her streams to see how she was doing just to make sure she was doing good. 

But seeing her in person, it felt different. Her and Riley we're quite popular in high school and well I was a nerd so, we rarely ever talked. But, she wasn't like my sisters other friends, she was always nice to me when we did speak to each other, she was the first girl I ever liked.

I got over my crush when I started streaming but, seeing her again just made me think about all the times I wanted to tell her how pretty she was, or the time I wanted to ask her to be my prom date, there we're so many times when I was so close to confessing my feelings to her but I just couldn't. 

I got out of my bed and walked into the restroom and looked at myself in the mirror, I guess I've changed a lot since the last time I saw Ava, she's changed a lot too.

Was it possible for somebody to get even more cuter? 

What am I saying? That's Riley's best friend. We've known each other our whole lives. 

I didn't tell her I liked her back then because I didn't want anything to be ruined, and I wasn't going to do it now, I'm over Ava. 

I sighed before walking back into my room and getting back under the covers, I slowly closed my eyes before drifting off to sleep. 


Ava's POV


"Ava, wake up. My mom made breakfast." Riley said standing at the foot of her bed. 

I groaned, "Give me two minutes, I'll be there in a second." 

Riley nodded before leaving her room. I rolled over so that I was facing the ceiling, I rubbed my eyes and yawned before finally getting up and walking out of Riley's room to go in the kitchen. 

I walked into the kitchen and sat at the dining table next to Riley, "It smells good." I said, Riley's mom smiled. 

"Okay, you girls can start eating. Riley, can you please go get your brother?" 

"Sure, I'll be right back." Riley said getting up from the table.

I started to remember more about what had happened last night, my awkward interaction with George. Oh god, I was nervous to see his face. 

"You okay sweetie? You're looking a little pale.." Riley's mom said sitting across from where Riley was sitting.

"Oh I'm fine, I'm just hungry that's all." I said putting some food onto my plate. 

"You're so annoying, you know that?" Riley said walking into the kitchen.

"You're the annoying one, I'm not having this conversation anymore." George said sitting down across from me.

"Good, neither am I." Riley said sitting down next to me. 

It grew silent in the room...

Riley's Mom cleared her throat, "Uh so, Ava! You remember George right?" 

I looked over at George, "Yeah I remember him, it's nice to see you again George."

George smirked, "It's nice to see you too Ava." 

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