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TW: drinking, just wanna be safe yk?

I drove myself to Riley's house in distress. I was going to this party to celebrate George tonight and of course I wanted to hang out with him and just hug him and tell him how proud I was but, I couldn't. 

Riley was still mad at me and until I told her who I was seeing she wasn't gonna forgive me, what am I gonna do? 

I pulled up to the house and found a parking spot before taking a deep breathe, you got this. 

I got out of the car and locked it, walking towards the house. 

"Oh, Riley! Ava's here!" Riley's mom said hurrying to give me a hug.

"Oh sweetheart, you look amazing! Here, I'll put your bag safe in my room. Riley should be down shortly." 

"Thank you so much!" I said, handing her my stuff and waiting. 

I saw Riley walk down the stairs and felt by face go pale, she walked over to me.

"Look, all these people are either our relatives or George's friends so, I'm gonna forgive you and forget everything."

"Wait, seriously? What made you change your mind?"

"Well for one, I don't want to be alone. And two, my brother came into my room earlier asked me what was wrong, I kinda told him everything..."

My eyes widened, "What did he say?"

"He said it's not any of my business and I need to respect your privacy. And, he's right. I'm really sorry for everything I said, I've been a horrible friend lately."

"Yeah you have...but, it's okay. I forgive you." 

Riley leaned forward, giving me a huge hug. 

She pulled away and looked at me, "Come on, let's go get something to drink."

I nodded and Riley grabbed my arm leading me to the kitchen.

While she was getting me a drink, I kept thinking of George. He stood up for me, without telling her our secret...

It meant a lot that he'd do something like that. He's a really sweet-

"Oh my god." 

"What?" Riley said. 

Riley looked over in the direction I was looking, her mouth dropped slightly.

"Why did he bring her?" 

George walked in, with Sam. 

He had his arm around her hip, holding her close. He introduced her to some people and at some point I heard, "Yeah, this is my girlfriend Sam." 

My heart sank. Then, I felt somebody nudge me.

"Are you gonna take your drink or not?" Riley said holding a drink in front of me.

"Oh, sorry." 

"Okay everyone! Now that George has finally arrived, we can finally make a toast! Everyone gather around!" Riley's mom said. 

We all gathered around into the living room, me and Riley standing by her mom. 

Finally, George saw me. I looked away so that I wouldn't see his face because if I did, I'd probably break down on the spot. 

He stood on the other side of his mom, I could feel his eyes still on me. 

"Thank you everyone for coming tonight! This is a huge deal for me, my family, and George. I'm so proud of you for going out there and making your dreams come true! Never a dull moment with this boy, you're gonna do more bigger things in life George. To George!" Riley's mom said, holding up a glass. 

"To George!" Everything said, holding up a glass as well. 

George laughed, "Thank you so much everyone, this means a lot." George said. 

Once the toast was done, I walked back into the kitchen and looked through the cabinets for some alcohol. 


I grabbed the bottle and poured some into a cup, taking a big sip. 

"What are you doing?!" Riley said, taking the cup away from me.

"Just having fun Riles, come on give it back." 

"No Ava, you don't even like drinking! What's going on?" 

"Nothing! Everything is fine! Just- I need to use the restroom." 

I walked away and up the stairs, going to the restroom. 

I walked down the hallway but before I could open the restroom door, somebody grabbed my arm and pulled me into a room. 

I recognized the room right away, then my eyes shifted to the person. 

"Ava I- You- You look beautiful." 

"No George stop. I don't wanna hear it." 

"Ava, what's wrong?"

"You! Sam! You brought Sam here and introduced her as your girlfriend! What happened to ending things with her, what happened to promising nothing would happen?" 

"Nothing happened! I've been dodging her kisses all night! And, she wanted to come! I can't break up with her yet, she needs me!" 

I sighed, I walked around to George's bed and took the ring that I was wearing off.

"What are you doing?"

"That ring was hurting my finger. Look George, when can you break up with her?"

"I don't know Ava but, you're my girlfriend! She doesn't mean anything to me, I don't even like her! I wanna be with you, only you. Just please, trust me." 

I could tell he was telling the truth, he wouldn't do something like that to me. 

I sighed, "I trust you. But, I have to go. My heads really starting to hurt from that drink and, I just wanna go lay down." 

"Well, lay down in here! I'll make sure nobody comes in here and when it's all over, I'll come back." George smiled.

"I can't George, my car's out front. Riley and your mom with wonder why my cars still here and try looking for me."

"Shoot, you're right. Then, I'll come over later. I'll tell Sam I wanna be alone tonight and I'll tell my mom I'm staying over at a friends, I wanna be with you tonight Ava." 

I felt my cheeks go red, I grabbed onto George's hand and pulled him onto me, kissing him. 

I wrapped my arms around his neck messing with his hair, he had his hands on my waist holding my hips. 

He pulled away for a split second and looked me in the eye and smirked, "Your lipstick is messed up now."

I rolled my eyes, "Shut up." I said, pulling him back in. 

Then, there was a knock at the door. 

"Oh shoot." George got up. fixing his hair. 

I got up and looked at him with worried eyes, he smirked once again. "Now it's your turn to hide in the closet." He grabbed my arm and put me in the closet, he closed the door and walked over to his bedroom door opening it. 

a/n: cliffhanger woooo

1088 words.

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