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George's POV

I stood in front of my mirror fixing my hair making sure it looked good before going out with Sam, my girlfriend. 

I know I know, if I had a girlfriend why am I flirting with Ava? To answer your question, I don't know.

Sam and I have been dating for 8 months now and I really like her, but seeing Ava just made me feel different. I don't know how to explain it...

Okay George focus, stop thinking about Ava. Tonight's about you and Sam.

I look a deep breathe before grabbing my car keys off of my dresser and walked towards my door, I opened my door and was startled when I saw Ava standing there. 

She was wearing grey sweatpants, with a blue tank top. Her hair was slightly messy and she had rings on her fingers, she looked amazing. 

"Ava? What are you doing here?" 

"Uh, I wanted to thank you for giving me my shirt back. I didn't realize I left it in your room..." 

"Oh it's no problem." I smiled. 

Ava looked at me and noticed I wasn't wearing my pajamas, "Where are you going?"

"Oh uh, I'm going out with my girlfriend..."

Her eyes widened, "Girlfriend?" 

"Yeah, her name's Sam. We've been together for awhile now."

"Oh well, good for you! I'm glad you're happy." Ava said smiling.

"Thank you Ava, it means a lot." 

We just stood there, in silence. The silence was broken when we heard my phone go off in my pocket, I grabbed my phone out and realized Sam had texted me. 

I read the text and stuffed my phone back into my pocket, "I guess me and Sam aren't hanging out tonight, she realized she has to be up early in the morning to go to work so she said we'll reschedule our date." 

"Oh I'm sorry, so what are you gonna do now?" 

I thought to myself for a second, "I kinda rented a movie for me and Sam tonight and it expires tomorrow, do you maybe wanna watch it with me?" 

Ava's face grew red, "But, what about Riley?" 

"Oh shoot I forgot, just wait for her to fall asleep and then sneak in here." 

Ava smirked, "Okay, see you soon." 

"See ya." I smiled, watching Ava walk down to Riley's room. 


Ava's POV

Once I went back into Riley's room, we chose a movie to watch and halfway through it, she fell asleep.

I quietly got out from under the covers and walked out of her room, making my way towards George's room. 

I knocked on his door and heard footsteps coming from the other side. He opened the door and, wow. 

He was shirtless.

"Sorry, I totally forgot you we're gonna come back."

"Oh uh, that's fine. I mean, I've already seen you shirtless." 

"And so have I." George smirked. 

I rolled my eyes before pushing George out of the way and walking into his room. 

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